WellBe Company


An iron jungle filled with torturous looking equipment, the unmistakable smell of insecurity, B.O. and ego hanging thick in the air.

A gorilla pit of overly muscular men, far too fond of a tan bed, deep V, their reflection in a mirror and the word “china”.

Where the only thing louder than the bang of the dropping weights is the grunt of the alpha males dropping them.

Sound familiar?

The weight section of a gym can be a scary and intimidating place, especially to a female starting out on her strength training journey. But don’t let this scare you away! Here are some of my top tips you can use to make it out of there alive:

  1. Scout it out. Make sure you know the layout of the gym so it’s easy to navigate to find the equipment you want.
  2. Go in with a plan. Have your workout printed out or an e-copy on your cellphone.
  3. And always have a Plan B. Often times (especially during peak hours), gyms and gym equipment can be very busy- have an alternative option for any exercise so you’re not left waiting around.
  4. Research form. Make sure you know how to correctly perform the exercises. (YouTube videos have helped me a lot!)
  5. Dress comfortably and in something that makes you feel confident. Whether that’s a baggy T and tights or booty shorts and a crop top- do what works for you.
  6. Make sure to bring a sweat towel. No one likes using a machine that’s still sweaty from someone else! Gym etiquette goes a long way.
  7. Bring along some ear phones. Listening to some music while you workout helps you stay focused, motivated and distract you from any potentially intimidating feelings or unwanted advancements.
  8. A cap can help. It’s the adult form of “peekaboo”- if you can’t see them, they can’t see you (bonus- it’s a great way to hide a bad hair day!)
  9. Buddy up. There’s safety in numbers. Having a friend there with you can also help you push harder while training and keep you accountable in keeping your workouts consistent.
  10. Just have fun and do you. You’re there for yourself at the end of the day.

Happy sweating!

WellBe Company talks intentions


How a simple mindset change can change how you feel about exercise forever.

So let’s rewind 3-4 years. I was that “cardio bunny” grinding it out on the treadmill, elliptical or spinning class, hours on end, not satisfied until I felt physically faint or sick. I would go to the gym and not leave until:

1) I’d burned enough calories

2) I’d completed a minimum of 1.5 hours of cardio or

3) I’d sweated enough to feel too embarrassed to be seen in public

I’d get anxious if I didn’t achieve these goals, and damn near have a panic attack or feel guilty if I couldn’t go to the gym. Sound familiar?

This picture is so common, and yet so very wrong. And if this is you I urge you to just take a moment and re-evaluate your intentions for going to the gym. This scenario is a quintessential indicator of misguided intentions and an unhealthy relationship with training. And this was me.

Too often we become obsessed and laser-focused on one thing – losing weight or getting that “ideal” body. And women especially have been duped into thinking that there’s only one way to get it- by sweating it out doing hours upon hours of cardio. And so what may start as a healthy habit, quickly progresses into a destructive obsession. You may lose weight yes, but are you happy? Are you healthy? Do you enjoy going to the gym? Do you feel confident? Is it maintainable?


It’s not an easy thing to do, but changing your mindset about and your intentions for your training can be one of the most powerful tools to get you on a healthier path. Instead of equating the duration of training or number of calories burned as your gauge for success, why not try focusing on things like: Do I feel energized after my workout? Has my running/cycling/swimming time improved? Is my strength improving? Can I complete more reps? Has this been a source of quality alone time or maybe quality time with a training partner? Am I excited and motivated to train again?

By simply changing your mindset, changing your intentions, your happiness and wellbeing become your focus, your training becomes enjoyable again and thus more maintainable, and your previous goals of losing weight or improving your body become a byproduct.