How to recharge and eliminate what’s sapping your energy

Author: Words We Write

How to recharge and eliminate what’s sapping your energy

We’re reaching the end of the year and this is usually when we start to feel drained, unmotivated and simply exhausted. Finish this year strong by using these simple ways to recharge both your body and mind. 

Have you ever tried using your phone with less than 15% battery? Your apps are slow, your phone freezes, and it can cause a lot of frustration.  Well, humans are pretty similar. 

When your battery is low, it’s difficult to do even basic tasks at your best. Silly mistakes are easily made, and it can begin to take a toll on your mental health. This is why it is so important to create habits that help recharge you inside and out. 

Things that might be draining you 

It’s not only towards the end of the year that you can feel depleted. This can happen at any time when you’re constantly surrounded by or engaging in things that drain your energy. 

These are just some of the things that could be sapping your energy;

1. Too many processed foods 

We’re all pretty aware that too much processed food isn’t doing us any good. This time of the year is go, go, go so it might be easier to grab a takeaway or snack on some crisps rather than prepare something. 

And there’s nothing wrong with that… in moderation. Grabbing something convenient in a time crunch is perfectly fine, the problem comes in when you make it a habit.

2. Too little sleep 

We often underestimate how important our sleep schedule is. Whether you aren’t sleeping due to stress, trying to meet deadlines or anything in between, it is vital that you prioritise at least 8 hours of sleep a night. 

3.  Toxic relationships 

Having people around you who demand from you and that don’t lift you up is exhausting. Take note of who you’re spending your time with and how you feel afterwards. 

4. Clutter and disorganisation 

Trying to find things or remember where you left things is tiring and draining. It’s easy for things to get cluttered when you’re busy or feeling overwhelmed but take some time to clear out your space, it will do wonders for your mental state. 

5. Lack of exercise 

We bet you don’t get tired of hearing this one. But yes, lack of physical activity actually drains you. Being active gets those endorphins racing and re-energises you but find activities you actually enjoy. 

6. Your own attitude 

If you wake up every morning thinking “ugh, I’m so tired”, “I really don’t want to do this” or “I’m over this day already” then you are preparing yourself for a really draining day. 

Your mind and your attitude are very powerful, and the thoughts you put out there are what you will experience. Try making a conscious effort to change your attitude when things are tough. 

Habits that will recharge you 

Apart from changing the things we mentioned above, there are a few things you can do that will recharge your body and mind. It’s a great idea to try to make these simple things regular habits in your life.

1. Live mindfully

Don’t just go through the motions in life. Think about everything you’re doing, what you want to achieve, and what you already have achieved. There is so much more to life than just getting through it. 

Take a look at this awesome blog on mindfulness for a deeper understanding. 

2.Take a break from technology 

The online world is a massive energy drainer. From being inundated with world news to comparing your life to a stranger’s, you can physically feel the light being zapped right out of you. 

Set a date once a week or twice a month when you limit your social media usage or stop using it completely for a day or week. Whatever feels right for you but we highly recommend this. 

3. Create manageable to-do lists

This time of the year is manic, and it can leave you feeling completely depleted. Rather than trying to keep up with everything, create to-do lists that you’ll be able to keep up with. 

By doing this, you can share your energy across these tasks rather than trying to take on everything all at once. 

4. Prioritise fun 

Life is busy, there is almost too much to get done in a single day. Often, we focus on the work aspects and family commitments and fun falls by the wayside. 

Start scheduling time for fun into your days, whatever that may be. Fun takes on many forms, from going for a walk to visiting a friend or reading a book. 

5. Spend time outdoors

Fresh air and some sunshine do wonders to recharge your body and soul. Try to spend at least 10 – 15 minutes outside each day. Use this time to silence your mind, be mindful and take a breath. 

6. Be thankful 

Life is just as beautiful as it is chaotic. When you’re run down, it’s difficult to see the positive, but it’s so important to sit back and reflect on all the good you have in your life. 

You can even write down everything you’re grateful for so that you see it in front of you. By being cognisant of what is good, you will start to fill your energy levels with positivity and in turn, re-energising yourself. 


Spring Cleaning: It’s time to clean up your digital clutter.

September means spring is here! Spring brings in the possibility of new beginnings and of course, spring cleaning. Now, we’re not here to tell you to clean your cupboards or disinfect your fridge. We’re focusing on spring cleaning your digital clutter. 

Digital clutter? Yup, you read that right. Many people don’t realise how messy and overwhelming their digital space is. 

Just like in your home, things in your digital space pile up, become out of date, get lost, are no longer needed or need some TLC.

Let’s dive right into how you can give your digital clutter a spring clean. 

Related: How to build better habits (That will actually stick)

Top tips for decluttering your digital space

From your laptop to your phone, you spend the majority of your day on some type of mobile device. Even though you’re using these devices multiple times a day, you might not realise how cluttered they’ve become. Here’s how you can fix that. 


    1. Delete unused apps 

You may have downloaded an app that you used once and never touched again. Go through your phone and laptop to see if you have any apps that you don’t use. Delete all the apps you haven’t visited in the last month. 

Trust us, you don’t need them. 

2. Update your devices

Now that you’ve gotten rid of all unnecessary apps, update your devices. Make sure you update the operating system as well as the apps you use. 

3. Remove unnecessary information

If you have saved credit cards or old documents in your storage that you no longer use – remove them. Take a look at your saved passwords and remove the ones you no longer use. 

Lastly, clean out your old emails, files and downloads. And remember to empty your trash when you’re done. 

4.Back up your files

When you’re spring cleaning, it’s important to make sure that you’ve backed up the files of everything you want to keep. It can be easy to accidentally delete something you never intended to.

Use a cloud storage site or an external hard drive to safely store all your important goodies. 

Read: Things we’re going to START and STOP


    1. Mailing lists 

Have a look at the emails you’re subscribed to and unsubscribe from everything that no longer serves you. 

2. Delete, delete, delete 

Remove old photos, videos and even contacts that you no longer need. Are we the only ones with hundreds of screenshots of things we thought we’d need? 

3. Decide what no longer serves you 

As you’re spring cleaning your digital space, make conscious decisions about what you really need and don’t need. 

If you’re removing apps that are no longer valuable to you, are there apps you need that would serve you more? For example, is it time to remove the many games you have on your phone and perhaps get a time management tool if that’s something you’re struggling with. 

4. Update your security software 

This is mostly for your laptop but it is one of the most vital steps. Do you have antivirus and security software on your device? If you don’t, make sure you get one. And if you do, make sure it’s still running optimally and be sure to set up automatic checks and updates. 

Viruses and malware can destroy all the information on your digital devices so it’s better to be safe!

5.Make a change

While you’re at it why not give your devices a new look and feel? Update your wallpapers and screensavers. Go from light mode to dark. Recatagorise your apps into helpful folders. 

Find ways to make your digital space more inviting, calmer and a soothing place to be. 

Explore: Everyday hacks to keep you calm and focused for a busy day

Social media 

In a realm of its own, we decided to leave social media until last. Social media platforms are where most of us spend our time so it’s important that we clean them up every now and then. 

    • Take the opportunity to refresh your presence: Change up your bio, get a new profile picture, or archive some of your posts that you no longer like.
    • Review your privacy and security settings: Accounts are constantly getting hacked. Make sure your accounts are properly protected with a password you remember. 
    • Unfollow accounts that no longer serve you: Go through your “following” list and unfollow the accounts that offer you no value or people who make you feel bad about your life. Social media shouldn’t be a place that is overwhelming and hurtful. The great thing is that you have COMPLETE control over your own social media. 
    • Ask yourself the following: Do my social media accounts reflect who I am? Do they add value? Are they negatively impacting my life? These are important questions to ask to figure out whether you should maybe relook at your entire online presence, or perhaps take a break from the social media space.

We spend so much of our time on our devices and online, make sure you’re spending just as much time making them a safe, stress-free space!





Sweet potatoes are loaded with gut friendly fibre as well as being an impressive source of immune-boosting Vitamin A and Vitamin C.


  • 1-2 Tbsp coconut or olive oil
  • 500 g sweet potatoes, cleaned and wedged
  • 1/2 tsp paprika
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt
  • 1/4 tsp black pepper


  • Mashed avocado
  • Diced tomato and red onion
  • Plain Greek yoghurt + sour cream blend



Preheat oven to 230 C. Scrub the sweet potatoes clean. Cut the potatoes into wedges – first, cut off the ends. Then, cut the potato in half. Cut each half in half, lengthwise. Finally, cut them into 4-5 wedges, lengthwise again. Rinse the wedges with cold water for 10-15 seconds and pat dry. In a large bowl, mix the oil with the seasonings. Toss the wedges with the seasoned oil, using your hands to coat each one. Spread them out on a parchment paper-lined baking sheet that has been lightly greased. They should have ample room and not be touching. Bake them for 20 minutes. Flip them over and bake for another 10-15 minutes. Watch them closely those last few minutes, they should be dark golden brown, not black. Cool a bit and enjoy!



Staying Motivated


What really drives your actions? Most people don’t actually know what prompts, guides and sustains their goal-oriented behaviours in every-day life. 

Research shows that extrinsic incentives and seeking external rewards might be the most powerful motivator to encourage individuals to perform certain tasks and actions every day. Understanding what forces are behind your actions can help you better maintain motivation and level-up your productivity to its maximum. 

So, what exactly is the incentive theory of motivation?

According to leading psychologists, most people work harder and stay at higher levels of motivation when they are inspired by external reinforcements. That’s where the incentive theory comes in – one of the primary motivation theories that deals with human behaviour and action. 

Alternatively called the Reward Motivation Theory, this theory provides an explanation for human behaviour that suggests that productive behaviour is promoted by a desire for outside reinforcements or incentives rather than internal desires. Essentially, people are more likely to behave in a certain way if it will bring about a greater chance of an external reward.

A simple example: an employee might work harder due to the incentive of earning a bonus. Their motivation is their desire to receive this reward.

But, keep in mind, there can be negative incentives too. People are generally pulled towards rewarding actions but pushed away from actions that might lead to negative consequences. For example, you might be more motivated to show up to the gym on the days you feel particularly sluggish due to the negative impact it will have on your progress if you don’t.  

So, as you can see, it works both ways. The important thing is to figure out exactly which incentives work for you and how you can use these reinforcements to boost your productivity in your own life.

Motivation 101

How can you use this to your advantage? 

While both positive and negative reinforcement is effective, at WellBe we like to focus on positivity and optimism when fostering strong motivational habits. Below we focus on some great tips and tricks that will help you learn to self-motivate, be more productive and avoid motivational burn-out.

1. Staying motivated at work 

The important thing to remember is that incentives only become powerful if you place personal importance on the reward. That’s why, before setting your mind on any task, it’s important to identify your core values. Determining your unique core values can help you understand what kind of incentive you respond to best.

For example, consider the reward aspects of your desired job. Rewards could be obvious, such as higher pay, praise or professional development. These rewards can also be more subtle – such as being motivated to do work that evokes feelings of pride and achievement, or working hard at a job that makes you feel as if you’re doing meaningful work. 

This is especially important for people who are working from home and whose current motivational levels might be at an all-time low. By drawing on these personal gains, you’ll be more inspired to work hard, achieve more and maintain your focus on your work-related goals instead of getting stuck in the lockdown slump.

2. Staying motivated in your fitness journey 

When it comes to fitness, everybody’s goals tend to vary and can range from a desire to live a healthy life to a strong dedication to achieving a personal fitness objective or sporting goal. Whether it’s trying to reach your fastest time yet or simply staying dedicated to hitting the gym at least twice a week, it’s important to decipher what your major source of external reinforcement might be. 

Keep in mind that not all incentives are created equal. That means that it might take some real reflection on your part to discover what really inspires you to take action and which rewards you find motivating. Once you figure out your primary external reinforcement factors, you’ll truly be able to run further, push harder and unlock your full potential.

3. Staying motivated when maintaining mental health and happiness

While it may seem counterintuitive, a lot of people need to develop real discipline and daily self-motivation habits to take the necessary small steps to achieve their own happiness everyday. 

In this day and age, setting aside time for yourself and personal reflection takes some practice. Step away from the screen, put down your phone and give yourself a chance to breathe. Dedicating just a few minutes a day to completely detaching from the world of work and daily home-life stresses can actually make you more productive in the long run, as well as ensure a more balanced outlook and encourage mindfulness.

So, take the time to go for a run, take a long hot bath, bake some sweet treats in the oven or even try a few sessions of online therapy to get more in touch with yourself and your current stresses at this time. What greater motivational incentive is there than ensuring your own health, happiness and mental stability ?

How to stay motivated with WellBe

We know staying motivated during lockdown can be tricky. With most of us working from home and still self-isolating, it’s hard to keep the enthusiasm levels high and our stress levels low. That’s why we’re here to help. 

At Wellbe, we want to inspire you to be the happiest, healthiest and strongest version of yourself that you can be – no matter what obstacles you face. That’s why we share our top motivational tips, healthy recipes and mindful yoga sessions with our loyal followers on WellB&Co’s Instagram page every day. 

Join our WellBe community and discover our series of helpful blogs and motivational messages to keep you focused on your health and wellness goals. 

Our Wellbe team is here to help you start living a life that is truly Happier. Healthier. Wellthier.

Contact us for more information about our exercise and training advice, wellness plans and better body blueprint program.





A one-pan wonder, this sticky chicken recipe is packed with good-for-you ingredients. This recipe maximises on flavour and doesn’t compromise on health benefits. Feel free to add more


1 tbsp sesame oil
2 onions, diced
4-6 chicken breasts or thighs
2 sliced picante or bell peppers
4 tbsp soy sauce
1 cup chicken broth
2 tbsp honey
¼ cup orange juice
3 sprigs rosemary
2 cups of chopped baby marrows


Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Heat olive oil in a pot over medium heat. Sauté onion, picante peppers, and chicken pieces until lightly browned and transfer to a casserole dish. Mix sauce by combining soy sauce, orange juice, honey, salt, pepper, and chicken broth in a bowl. Pour over. Add fresh rosemary, and chopped baby marrows. Toss together and bake for 40 minutes. Serve with brown rice or wholewheat couscous.

Download Your Sticky One Pan Chicken Bake Recipe Here



Online therapy at home


An overview 

With strict social distancing guidelines and a major shift towards conducting business and every-day appointments online amidst the coronavirus outbreak, there’s a need to adapt to reaching our healthcare providers and accessing wellness services in a completely different way than ever before. Online therapy or ‘teletherapy’ lets you connect with a licensed therapist from the comfort of your own home. All you need is access to the internet and any device that can support live video connection and then you’re set. 

Teletherapy gives you the same mindful tools and helpful lessons that in-person therapy can in order to set you on the right path towards better managing your mental health and keeping a strong mindset during these next few weeks. The good news is that online therapy may even end up costing you less than traditional, in-person sessions, but we’ll get into that later.  What’s important to know is that online therapy has no limits. Online therapists offer a range of therapy types from cognitive behavioral therapy or emotion-focused therapy to family counseling. This means the possibility to reach out to a therapist during lockdown is open to anyone, no matter what your situation or healthcare needs are.

Should you still do therapy sessions during lockdown?

Although it may seem like a daunting task at first, being able to communicate with a therapist online is a really important tool at a time like this. With the mounting pressure and added tensions piling up over the last few weeks, working through your emotions using online therapy is critical to keep your mental health at a high and avoid slipping into any pandemic-inspired lows.

Remember, your journey towards self-improvement and mindfulness doesn’t end during lockdown. Keep working on any feelings of apprehensions and strive to find positivity during this pandemic . The goal is to make the most of the time you have now and work towards a better mindset and a healthier outlook on life. All that’s needed is a little adjustment from your side and a willingness to step out of your comfort zone and try this new way of communicating. 

Is therapy really effective online ?

Yes! It may even be better. A 2014 study in the Journal of Affective Disorders found that online treatment was just as effective as face-to-face treatment for people struggling with their mental health and everyday anxieties. While still getting the same face-to-face interactions, now you’ll also be able to express yourself in a much more comfortable environment – your own home. We all need some help in order to be our happiest, healthiest selves, so why not do it in your own space where you are the most stress-free and comfortable you can be? 

What’s great about online therapy is it’s also a lot more convenient and accessible than in-person appointments. You can schedule an appointment around your home and work life to eliminate some of the stress of balancing your other obligations while still trying to fit in some time to rush to a therapy session. The time you save just from avoiding the fight thought  traffic alone will also relieve some time pressure and frustration. A few extra minutes a day and a more adaptable way of scheduling could give you the break you need to take a few extra minutes in the day and simply relax.

Online therapy also changes the entire dynamic of therapy. There’s often a noticeable stigma around therapy and issues of mental health. Online therapy makes it easier to reframe the idea of therapy into something that is merely a conversation between two people and it gives you the room to release your tightly held worries and receive the necessary advice without the pressure of feeling like you’re “going to therapy”.

How can you make the most of your sessions?

Online therapy not only works, but it might even be better than face-to-face appointments if you make the most of each session. Using these 5 easy tips you’ll be able to maximize the benefits of your online sessions from the comfort of your own home. In this way you’ll really get your time and your money’s worth from each session while gaining valuable insight and advice at the same time.


Online Therapy

1. Find a quiet room and a space of your own 

Allowing yourself to be distracted by family, work or incomplete chores means that the session won’t be nearly as effective as it should be. Distance yourself from any noise front the outside or looming responsibilities. If your mind is lingering on something else, it makes introspecting and identifying difficult feelings that much more difficult. 

It’s important to keep your focus on the conversation at hand and the feelings you’re experiencing right at that moment. Also be sure to turn off your phone and cut off any distractions from the world of work. 

2. Inform your family and ask for space

Try to set aside a period in the day which is designated specifically for you and your mental health healing process. Let them know that you need some time to be alone and that you won’t be available for that hour. 

Your family members are your main supporters and they’ll understand that, sometimes, you need some time to focus on yourself too.

3. Don’t treat these sessions any differently 

It may take a while to get the hang of this new method of communicating but don’t let yourself get frustrated. Approach this session as you would any other. Open up about new difficulties that the coronavirus has brought with it and any uncertainty you may be feeling at this time. 

Due to the rising unemployment rate and economic impact of this disease, many people have also started to feel more hopeless and less motivated. Talk to your therapist about these difficulties and brainstorm ways to handle unemployment anxiety during these difficult months. Try to address any normal, every-day stresses too – those don’t just go away and it’s important to name and explain them so that you can start working through those anxieties together

4. Find out how what kind of costs you can expect 

The bad news is that some insurance companies may not cover teletherapy so make sure to check in with your provider first. The good news is that it might actually be cheaper to make the switch to online therapy. 

Therapists may charge a reduced rate and you also have a much wider range of therapists and prices to choose for, now that you’re not limited by distance.

5. Take your therapist’s advice! 

Not only are you paying a therapist for their services, but you’re also sacrificing your own time to be in these sessions. It’s easy to think we know what’s best for ourselves but, sometimes, we need the guidance of a professional to point out the things we can’t see and give us a push in the right direction. Part of healing and moving towards a healthier, more mindful mindset is accepting that you may need to lean on others and listen to the words of wisdom that they have to offer.

By really taking in the advice offered to you during your mindfulness-based therapy sessions, you can stay in touch with your mental health and get in a better headspace which will allow you to look after both your mental and physical well-being during this time. You may even develop some better techniques to help you thrive during uncertainty by using any new anti-stress tools you pick up during therapy sessions.

Finding an online therapist 

Finding a therapist online can be tricky. It’s often difficult to try and balance the service and type of support that you’d like with a price that your budget can realistically accommodate. That’s why it’s important to know exactly what youre looking for. Think about the type of therapy you’d like to get, how much you can afford to pay and how often you want to have sessions each week. 

Since this is where you discuss your biggest stresses and inner worries, your therapist needs to be someone who you feel completely comfortable around. Make sure you have an opportunity to meet the therapist online, face-to-face before committing to appointments so that you can get a better feel of their energy and figure out if this is someone you can truly feel comfortable speaking with.

WellBe’s Survival Pack 

With all that’s going on, we want to do our best to support both your physical and mental health and give you the tools to make the best of a challenging time like this. With our informative blog posts that discuss everything from healthy eating to creative at-home exercises, and our instagram page that will keep you connected and in-touch, we’re here to provide you with the best tools to focus on your personal growth throughout your health and wellness journey. 

Don’t forget to check out our daily instagram posts and stories to stay up-to-date with our newest recipes and daily workouts. Don’t hesitate to drop us a DM or contact us here if you have any more questions about mental health, fitness or personal wellness.

2020 WellBe Calendar

What better way to start the year than with a motivational calendar? Seriously, it’s even got motivational quotes. And we aren’t talking just any kind of quotes, but the ones that really stuck with us. 

Each month has a wellness theme and space for you to write down your goals. Which we this rather appropriate for January, don’t you think? 

Hit download below and get your own! 

You can download our 2020 Wellness Calendar Here 


2020 Wellness Calendar