Physical benefits of a wellness coach


“Health is a state of the body. Wellness is a state of being.” 

What if I told you there was a way to not only better your physical health, but your mental health too? 

Cue health and wellness coaches

Health and wellness coaching is fast becoming one of the most beneficial and constructive financial commitments you can make. But the thing is, a number of people don’t quite understand the concept or see the benefits of it until they try it out for themselves. 

More than an exercise trainer

A wellness coach is more than just a personal trainer. We look at your entire wellbeing and focus on giving support and guidance to help develop both your psychological and physical health. 

Basically, a health and wellness coach is someone who not only helps you reach optimal physical health but helps you improve your mental state of being too. This person becomes your guide to holistic wellbeing (a good health guru, if you will). Combining healthy lifestyle choices, a good diet, exercise, stress optimisation and sleep are ways your coach will help you to become the best version of yourself. 

Some of the focus areas of wellness coaching include: 

  • Nutrition 
  • Health 
  • Weight
  • Stress

For business and individuals

Wellness coaching can also move beyond the focus of one individual. We also work with companies to help improve their brand’s work culture and improve the health and stress levels of employees. 

Have a look at this article on how to bring wellness into the workplace (it’s a great read!)

Let’s take a look at some of the psychological and physical benefits of a wellness coach…

Psychological benefits of a wellness coach

There is a close link between mental and physical wellbeing, in fact, the two of them work hand in hand. 

Here are some of the focus areas of psychological improvement through wellness coaching:

1. Guidance and support

Trust us when we say we have “been there and done that”. Our personal experience and background expertise are what allows us to help you work through struggles in your life. 

Our outside perspective can offer a grounded and objective reality to help bring about concrete goals and a tranquil mindset. 

Issues such as stress, anxiety and depression are tackled head-on to help you take logical steps in overcoming these mental blocks. 

Check out this article on how to handle anxiety in the workplace. It is this kind of support and guidance that we seek to consistently give you. 

2. Real advice for real people

We don’t believe in fads. We don’t do ‘get-fit-fast’ plans or ‘lose-weight-today’ diets. We create our plans based on your individual needs and goals. 

Everyone is different. Everyone has different goals and capabilities. We work with you to create health and wellness plans that not only provide you with advice and steps to reach your mental and physical goals, but we are with you every step of the way to ensure you get to your end goal. 

3. Mental wellbeing and positivity

Health starts in the mind. We help change your mindset and work with you to get healthy through positive reinforcement. 

This isn’t some kind of “you can do it” on repeat, we help you to shift your view of yourself into one that is positive, allowing you to believe in your capabilities and be comfortable in your own strength and body. 


Physical benefits of a wellness coach


Physical benefits of a wellness coach

1. Tailored fitness and eating plan

We create our eating and exercise plans to include real, nutritious and healthy meals, as well as exciting and interactive workouts. 

We encourage you to eat healthy food that makes you happy and give you all the information you need about healthy eating and ingredients. 

We also ensure you are fully equipped with all the knowledge needed to never feel like you are ‘doing something wrong’ in the gym. 

2. Someone to motivate you

You’re less likely to cancel a gym session when you know one of our coaches will check in with you, if not train with you at the gym. 

This accountability helps encourage you to stick to your plan and give you both an in-person and digital (we’re always just one message away) training buddy. 

3. Challenge yourself

When working with you, we get to know your limits and capabilities. We help you to push outside of your comfort zone (but never force you to the point of injury), helping you to create new limits and reach new heights in your physical abilities (you’re stronger than even you may know!). 

Your wellbeing starts with you

Want to take the next step and find out more about our wellness coaching? Get in touch with our team and we can work on finding the balance and health in your life. 



It turns out, it takes a little more than just an apple a day to keep the doctor away. It also takes Vitamin D3, Probiotics and Omega 3.

When it comes to the right vitamins and supplements to take, there is a lot of confusion and noise. Which is why we decided to set the record straight and clear the air in the supplement-sphere. We did the research, chatted to the wellness experts and have put together the top 3 supplements you need, plus an extra two if you’re feeling extra healthy. 

3 supplements you need to take

Vitamin D3 

We like to call this the sunshine vitamin, although this is technically known as a pre-hormone and not a vitamin. Vitamin D is synthesised in our bodies with the help of sunlight. Which means that if you are someone who spends a lot of times indoors (the majority of people in a 9 to 5 desk job do not spend enough time in the sun), then you risk deficiency. 

Did you know that vitamin D is responsible for creating hundreds of enzymes that help prevent disease in our bodies? The vitamin affects more than 2000 genes in the body. 

You might already know that you need vitamin D for healthy bones (read: 5 Natural (& Effective) Ways To Build Stronger Bones), but experts have also recently found that this vitamin can help build strong muscles, helps combat inflammation and strengthens the immune system. With some doctors commenting on the anti-cancer effects of this supplement. 

How much vitamin D do I need a day?

The recommended intake is 400–800 IU/day, or 10–20 micrograms.

Omega-3 fatty acids (fish oils)

Fish oil supplements (such as salmon oil) are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, these substances help a number of functions in your body, from cell growth to muscle activity. 

Omega-3 fatty acids are found in food and our bodies cannot produce them. Fish oil contains two different types of omega-3 fatty acids known as: 

  • Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) 
  • Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)

Fish oils help to reduce inflammation and prevent chronic disease. They can also boost the immune system, improve your vision, joint and cardiovascular health, strengthen your nails, skin and hair, improve metabolic function, boost your mood, cognitive functioning and even enhance nutrient absorption. (Wow – these really are super supplements!)

How much Omega-3 fatty acids do I need a day?

There is no exact guideline as to how many milligrams of  mega-3 fatty acids recommend a minimum of 250–500 mg combined EPA and DHA each day if you are a healthy adult. 


Your gut contains a wide range of beneficial bacteria, also known as good bacteria. This bacteria is vital for your mental and physical wellbeing. 

However, factors such as stress, poor diet and not exercising can disrupt this bacteria. You can consume both dietary probiotics through foods such as kombucha, yoghurt and kefir and through supplements. 

Probiotics are known to significantly improve issues with digestion such as stomach cramps, bloating, and even lactose intolerance. 

Athletes and those who perform regular exercise have noted the benefits of probiotics for their immune system and gut health. The benefits of probiotics include assistance in regular bowel movements, boosted immune system, enhanced intestinal health and even promoting healthy cholesterol levels. 

How many doses of probiotics should I take a day?

There are a number of different probiotic organisms, because of this, there is no defined dosage. It’s a good idea to chat with your pharmacist or doctor regarding the right amounts you should take and what supplement will work best for you. 

2 Bonus Supplements



Glutamine is an amino acid produced mainly in your muscles. The main purpose of amino acids is to act as building blocks for proteins in the body. 

Proteins are vital to the health and function of your organs. They also help in transporting substances in your blood and helping the body to fight off harmful pathogens such as bacteria and viruses. 

Glutamine supplements help to improve your body’s immune function and preserve the protein stores in your body. Glutamine acts as a source of energy for your immune and intestinal cells. It aids in gut function, minimises muscle breakdown (great for those of us who love to workout) and helps to improve how your body metabolises protein. 

This is an especially great supplement to take during times of stress or vigorous exercise. 

What is the correct dosage of glutamine a day?

L-glutamine supplements taken within 3 to 6 grams are generally considered safe. Experts suggest 5 grams is a good amount to take a day. 

Protein powder

Protein powder is an incredibly popular supplement among fitness enthusiasts, athletes, bodybuilders and those following vegan and vegetarian diets.

Psst – here’s a great blog on how to build muscle on a vegan diet.  

Your body relies on protein to help repair tissue, build muscle and create important hormones and enzymes. 

There is a wide range of protein powders. Some of these include: 

  • Whey protein (made from milk) 
  • Pea protein 
  • Brown rice protein 
  • Hemp protein 
  • Casein protein (also made from milk but absorbed at a much slower rate)
  • Mixed plant proteins 

How much protein should I have a day?

This will depend heavily on your weight, gender and exercise routine. 

On average, women should have 46 grams of protein each day and men should aim for 56 grams.

Remember that protein shakes should be used in combination with a healthy diet and should not be used to replace nutrients and meals. 

The bottom line

By adding supplements to a healthy diet and exercise routine, you are ensuring your body gets the minerals and nutrients it needs to perform at it’s best abilities. 

Keep in mind that supplements, although beneficial, are not essential and act as as additional ‘supplement’ to a healthy lifestyle. 

Want to find out more about supplements? Get in touch with us and we can walk you through everything you need to know. 

Vitamin Drips


Vitamin IV drip therapy seems to be growing in popularity by the day with a number of celebrities backing the health effects of ‘dripping’. 

Claims that these drips help to cure hangovers, boost your immune system, give you a healthier glow and fight lethargy are a big reason as to why so many people are paying a pretty penny to get pricked and spend 20 minutes or more hooked up to a drip packed with vital vitamins. 

But just how effective are these drips? Can they really boost your health from just one drip? What are the side effects? Can you get a bad reaction? We did some digging into the science of vitamin drips and here’s what we found out…

What is IV vitamin drip therapy? 

Vitamin drips consist of a blend of a saltwater solution and carefully picked vitamins (depending on what kind of drip you choose) to help strengthen your immune system, overcome jet lag and cure a hangover. Other supposed outcomes include healthy skin, energy boost, enhanced mood, sports recovery, anti-inflammation and even a brain boost.  

IV stands for intravenous. This means that a concentrated dose of vitamins is injected directly into the bloodstream, allowing these vitamins and minerals to bypass the digestive system, which some have claimed allows the body to obtain more nutrients as the digestive process is avoided. 

How much do vitamin drips cost?

Most drip bars (which seem to be popping up all over South Africa at the moment), offer a selection of drip cocktails for you to choose from. The costs of these drips can range from R650 to R1000 or more (for one drip). 

What do vitamin drips contain?

The base of all vitamin drips typically contains vitamin C, B vitamins, calcium and magnesium. This is typically known as a ‘Jet Fuel’ or ‘Myers Cocktail’. This combination of vitamins was inspired by Dr John Myers who was a mastermind behind the use of intravenously administered vitamins during the 1950s. 

Does IV vitamin therapy really work?

IV therapy is nothing new and has been used in medicine for decades. It is most commonly used to administer essential nutrients and hydrate hospital and sick patients if they have issues with gut absorption, or difficulties eating and drinking. Which is why a number of experts question the use of these drips for healthy individuals. 

It might sound like an impressive feat to combat the above list of ailments and issues (hangover cure, immune-boosting etc.). But it is also important to note that the evidence to support these claims is anecdotal (based on personal accounts rather than facts or research).

What does the research say?

One doctor, in particular, Rick Pescatore, who works as an emergency physician and the director of clinical research in Philadelphia said that IV drips for healthy people are a little more than snake oil. 

He also mentioned that there is no data to support the use of these drips and their health benefits. 

There is, however, one review that studied the use of the Myers Cocktail, but this research is also a collection of anecdotal evidence. 

A different study examined the effectiveness of IV therapy in reducing the symptoms of chronic pain associated with fibromyalgia in 34 people. This study found that there was no significant difference between those who received IV vitamin therapy once a week for 8 weeks and those who did not.

The authors of the study noted that there was a significant placebo effect, meaning that a number of patients noted how their symptoms improved when receiving a ‘dummy’ vitamin cocktail. 

Which makes you think that perhaps the effect these drips have is a placebo one?

Vitamin Drips

What are the risks of IV vitamin therapy?

It turns out, that even when it comes to things that are supposedly good for you like minerals and vitamins, you can still have too much of a good thing. 

Vitamin A, for example, is a fat-soluble vitamin. If you take in more than your body needs, then your body will store it and you risk damage to major organs, such as the liver. 

IV vitamin cocktails also contain large amounts of water-soluble vitamins like vitamin B and vitamin C. These vitamins are processed through the kidneys and excreted into your urine when the body can no longer store them. Which basically makes for some very expensive urine. 

You also run the risk of infection as a needle is inserted into your bloodstream. 

If you suffer from kidney, heart or blood pressure issues then doctors suggest you should not have IV therapy as there is a risk of fluid overload which can lead to delayed wound healing, impaired bowel function and heart failure. 

However, drip bars will make you fill in and sign a form where you can state any health concerns you may have. They should also warn you against any potential implications. 

What are the benefits of IV therapy?

Of course, there are also some possible benefits of IV therapy. Most doctors suggest you have IV therapy if you are sick, unwell, incredibly stressed, dehydrated or suffer from a digestive issue such as celiac’s disease. IV therapy will help deliver the vitamins your body might struggle to digest when obtained from food. 

Drip bar owners and therapists will also inform you that IV therapy is no quick-fix. Combined with a healthy diet, exercise and proper sleep and stress coping techniques, you should not need it. 

What’s the bottom line?

It’s important that you chat with your doctor before trying any new health treatment. And while IV vitamin therapy might energize and revitalise you, the best cure for an unhealthy lifestyle and stress is a healthy diet, exercise, sleep and stress-coping techniques such as mindfulness.

There is no such thing as a quick-fix and although there are a number of claims supporting both sides of the argument when it comes to IV Vitamin Therapy, there just isn’t enough concrete evidence to support the benefits of vitamin drips. And whilst vitamin therapy is something that has been used in hospitals and doctors rooms to treat sick and unwell patients, if you are someone who is generally healthy, then there may be little to no benefit for you. 

Of course, at the end of the day the decision is yours to make, but at roughly R650 a pop, we will be saving our money for healthy food and perhaps a gym membership. What are your thoughts?

Take the first step to a healthier, wellthier you, with us.

You've got this


Anxiety is a common mental health condition that a number of people deal with on a daily basis. If you suffer from anxiety, you are probably quite familiar with people telling you to “just stop worrying” or “it’s not even that big of a deal” and of course “you have no reason to panic”. And although it might seem as though there is no reason to feel anxious, something inside of you firmly believes there is, and you can’t seem to control that something.  

The thing is, anxiety is a very real and a very difficult issue to deal with. 

Everyone feels anxious from time to time. But those with anxiety have anxious feelings that never seem to go away. They can pop up without any warning or any particular cause and make it incredibly difficult to deal with daily life. 

From your personal and social life to your work life, anxiety has a habit of rearing it’s nasty head when you least expect it. And while this might seem more manageable in the comfort of your own home, dealing with anxiety at work is a monster all on its own. 

Anxiety can be crippling at times but at the end of the day, you are in control of your mind. By knowing and implementing these 4 techniques, you will be able to cope better and be more productive in the workplace (goodbye morning meeting jitters). 

1. Identify your triggers

While it might not always seem as though anxiety has a specific cause, there are certain situations that are known to spike anxiety. 

Whether this is receiving feedback, replying to important emails or attending a status meeting. 

The trick is to keep a daily journal at work (the notepad on your phone also works really well) of what situations trigger your anxiety. 

If being late for work and rushing in the morning is one of your triggers, then you can combat this with waking up earlier, writing your to-do list the night before and even laying out your clothes the night before. 

Know your triggers and develop coping mechanisms to deal with them. 

2. Make sure you are eating and drinking right

This might sound obvious, but often when we get into an anxious state, we forget to eat lunch or drink water. Now, I’m not saying that a healthy meal and a glass of water is some kind of magic formula to cure anxiety, but it will certainly help your body to perform better. 

A healthy body creates a healthy mind and a healthy mind is less likely to be plagued by anxious thoughts. 

Pack your lunch the night before and some healthy snacks to keep your energy levels up throughout the day. 

When it’s time for a snack or a meal, make sure you take the time to eat and drink water. Your body will thank you for it (trust me, that one email can wait 10 minutes while you have a sandwich). 

Have a look at some lunch recipe ideas right here


You've got this

3. Breathe deep

Anxiety seems to take over with little to no warning. Before we know it, our shoulders are tense, our jaws are tight and we feel like we can’t breathe. 

When this happens you need to check in with your breathing. A good technique is to practice circular breathing, this is when you breathe in through your nose for 4 seconds and out through your mouth for 4 seconds. 

The next time something stressful happens and your feel triggered, take a step back and breathe deep. Practice the above technique until you feel a sense of calm come over you. It works wonders. 

4. Get some fresh air

When the emails are flying in, your boss is breathing down your neck and you have what seem like all the deadlines in the world to meet, you need to take a 5-minute break. 

While this might seem counterproductive in knowing how much work you have on your plate right now, a 5-minute break to breathe, get some fresh air, have some water and even meditate outside, will do you the world of good. 

When you are working in an anxious state, you are more likely to make mistakes and get even more worked up. So, get up from your desk, tell your boss you just need some water and take a few deep breaths. 

The thing is, you’re going to be okay, even when it doesn’t always feel like it. 


Some food could help with that

Certain foods and nutrients can also help promote feelings of calm. Have a look at these delicious meals to help with anxiety, stress and depression. 


Boost your mood, calm you mind, alleviate stress and feel great with these mouth watering meals!

We know that eating your feelings is never a good idea, after all, that box of doughnuts will probably make you feel worse (and a little sick from all the sugar).

But there are certain foods that are packed with lasting powers to help fight off anxiety, beat depression and turn a bad day into a deliciously good one. Have a look at these tasty recipes to boost your mental health…