Benefits of waking up early

Why waking up early matters & how to do it

We all lead busy and demanding lives. Perhaps even reading the title of this blog makes you cringe thinking of yet another thing you ‘should’ be doing, but just don’t have the energy for.

Fear not.

Your success in life does not solely depend on waking up at the crack of dawn. Some of the most successful people in the world are late risers (Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk and Warren Buffet to name a few). But if you feel low in energy, continuously rushed, and left with little time for yourself, it may be worth exploring some of the beautiful benefits that waking up earlier can offer you.

Ease into the day

By waking up earlier, you can start the day without feeling rushed. You are able to begin the day with a sense of clarity, without feeling that you are already behind on your to-do list. The way we start our day can set the tone for how the day unfolds, so if you want to move through your day feeling a greater sense of ease, this smaller step can go a long way in making this your reality. Starting the day with a calm centered outlook will also allow you to be more proactive and less reactive to external circumstances.

More time for self-care

Often when we are busy and life feels slightly chaotic, the first thing to fall by the wayside is self-care. By choosing to carve out a little time first thing in the morning, your day begins to open up and there are more opportunities for you to fit a variety of tasks in. This means you are more likely to get things done that matter to you. This could include small tasks such as drinking enough water and taking mindful rests between work, as well as exercising and having time to unwind or spend time with those you love. The ability to ‘fit everything in’ becomes easier, which has profound impact for you and those around you.

Better sleep

Research indicates that people who wake up earlier, are more likely to go to bed earlier and therefore enjoy longer, better quality sleep ( Now we all can agree on this one! The latest science shows that good quality sleep is vital to our overall health, and it impacts our mood, concentration and physical wellbeing in many ways. The trick here is to ensure that if you are choosing an earlier wake up time, that you commit to a reasonable bedtime, allowing you to get at least 7-8hours rest a night.

Energy & Focus

The great thing is that the benefits of waking up earlier begin to compound on one another. If you are enjoying great quality sleep, and have enough time to prepare meals that are nutritious (as opposed to squeezing in fast food or worse skipping meals altogether), then naturally you will enjoy sustained energy throughout your day. If you feel energized from the inside out, you can achieve all that you set out to. You will feel productive, vitalised and motivated to continue in the pursuit of your goals.


Starting to think you can give an earlier wake up a try?

Here are some of our top tips to getting started!

  • Adjust gradually. If you do a drastic switch from a 7am to 5am wake-up, it will not only feel like quite a shock to your system, but you’re also less likely to maintain it. Start by gradually moving your alarm clock 15 mins earlier, adjusting in small increments until you reach your ideal start time.
  • Get out of the bedroom. Once you wake up, try to make it part of your routine to move away from your room to avoid the temptation to go back to sleep.
  • Reward yourself. Try and enjoy the process and make it worth repeating. Why not stop for your favourite coffee on the way to work, or enjoy your morning tea in the garden. Afterall, the joy is in the journey!