New Year’s Resolutions


A new year is always the promise of a fresh start. We go into every new year with the mindset that things will be different and we need to reset and make this year better than the last. Although we have all of these great intentions, we often create unrealistic and unhealthy resolutions that we’re bound to give up on. 

This doesn’t put you in the right mindset to start the year on a positive note and prevents you from achieving the goals you’ve set out to. 

It’s time to change the narrative of new year’s resolutions and create healthy resolutions that you can stick to! 

What are New Year’s Resolutions? 

A new year’s resolution is a promise to yourself and only yourself. It is something you want to change in the new year, something that will get you closer to achieving more or bigger goals and a way of bettering yourself as each year goes by.

At the end of the year, we usually sit down and compile a list of resolutions we hope to stick to in the new year that will make us feel better or help us achieve more. 

More often than not, we create resolutions that end up making us feel worse about ourselves and in the back of our minds, we know we won’t stick to any of them.

Changing the resolutions narrative

It’s time to stop thinking about resolutions as something you hope to stick to but will probably get over by the time March rolls around but see them as small changes you can make to live a happier, healthier lifestyle.  

How to make healthy resolutions you can stick to

1. Concentrate on quality rather than quantity 

Rather focus on a few realistic resolutions that you are more likely to accomplish. It is better to focus on things you know you can change rather than trying to change every single thing you aren’t happy with. Small slow steps will create progressive changes in other aspects of your life. 

2. Clearly define your goals

Have a direct indication of what you want to achieve and exactly how you want to do it. Step away from resolutions like “go to the gym more this year” and focus more on a resolution like “being physically active at least 2-3 times a week”. This resolution gives you a clearer outline of what you need to do in order to succeed and it gives you more options to be active instead of only focusing on going to the gym. 

3. Write them down

Studies show that we are more likely to follow or achieve goals when they are written down. You need to have them clearly written down and in a place that you will look at and revisit often.  

Hint: stick them on your fridge! 

4. Plan on how you’ll overcome setbacks 

Perfection doesn’t exist. As much as you try to do everything the way you want to and as much as you strive for perfection, life happens. There are setbacks that come in a variety of forms but that doesn’t mean you aren’t doing the best that you can. It merely means that you have had one set back, not that you have failed. 

Identify possible setbacks that may come your way and have a plan B on how you are going to navigate your way around them so that it doesn’t impact your resolution. 

5. Track your progress

Track how far you’ve come and where you’re going. This will be a motivating factor for you to keep going, constantly reminding yourself that you’ve got this and you’re doing so well. 

In the same breath, you need to keep revisiting your resolutions. We tend to write them down and that’s it, as the year goes by we forget about them. Make sure that you look back at your resolutions and keep them in mind as you track your progress. 

New Year’s Resolutions

6. Consider a wellness coach

Most resolutions centre around health and fitness and while it’s easy to write that down as a resolution, achieving it is a different story. 

A wellness coach may sound like an over the top thing to consider but their goal is to help you change your lifestyle and will make sure you achieve your goals.  

Some healthy resolutions to consider

We have a few resolutions we consider to be healthy and will help you move forward in a positive direction as we enter the new decade.

  1. Focus on yourself, remind yourself to love you first. There are many ways to do this, find out more here.
  2. Be more active but more than just hitting the gym. There are many ways to get a workout in and increase your activity levels rather than torturing yourself doing something you detest.   
  3. Changing your diet. Now we don’t mean finding a new, trending diet where you can have a grape for breakfast and smell an apple for dinner. We mean finding a way to change your lifestyle that suits you, your goals and won’t damage your mental health. Consider this article for more intel into how to do this.  

Resolutions shouldn’t be these annoying little things that you’ll never achieve or you’ll just forget about. They should be goals that will enable you to better yourself and your lifestyle as each year passes by. 



Intermittent fasting is not about starving yourself or eating as little as possible, there is far more to it than that. This new lifestyle has quickly become increasingly popular as celebs, competitors and ordinary people embark on this new way of eating. The only struggle is perfecting this way of eating to ensure you feel your best while reaping all of the benefits. 

A little bit about intermittent fasting…

Our article on intermittent fasting has the whole story on exactly how it all works but in short, intermittent fasting is famous for promoting good health and weight loss. It involves timing your meals and eating at certain times of the day. Just like the name suggests, you’ll fast for some part of the day and eat at a specific time. It is one of the few diet (for lack of a better word) plans that actually allows you to eat what you like (well, to a certain extent). 

By lowering appetite and aiding burning of more calories, intermittent fasting can actually help you with weight loss, some research has found. A number of people have also reported having more energy. 

The timing of meals can affect your 24-hour energy metabolism. Coordinating your meals with circadian rhythms can work as a powerful strategy for reducing appetite and improving metabolic health. 

Now you know what it is, how do you make it work?

Tips to make intermittent fasting work for you

1. Plan plan plan

As the saying goes, “failing to plan is planning to fail”. Ideas come and go but until we plan exactly how we’re going to implement these ideas into action, it’s not going to happen.

Take a look at the various types of intermittent fasting and choose a time period that suits you best. From there you should plan when you’re going to eat and exactly what you’ll be eating too. By having a detailed plan and by meal prepping some meals, you will be more inclined to follow the plan and remain consistent.  

2. Stay hydrated 

Drink lots of water and calorie-free drinks, such as herbal teas, throughout the day. This will curb any feelings of hunger and will keep you from snacking or breaking your fast. 

3. Don’t obsess about your food

Plan plenty of distractions on fasting days to avoid thinking about food, such as catching up on some work, working out or going to see a movie. This will ensure you don’t sit around thinking about food and how you ‘can’t’ have it. This is something that requires some getting used to because we are programmed to want to eat any time we experience a bit of hunger. 

You need to be able to fight past the feelings of hunger!

4. Try not to overindulge – strive to eat clean

‘Strive to eat clean’ – we don’t mean that your first meal should be a salad and a glass of water (then what’s the point in fasting?). What we mean is you should try to make every calorie count by selecting nutrient-dense foods that are rich in protein, fibre, and healthy fats. Examples include beans, lentils, eggs, fish, nuts, and avocado. By doing this, you will feel full and satisfied for longer. You can see some examples of these meals here


5. Be consistent

It takes a while to establish a new routine and get used to doing something different. Every new diet or lifestyle will take time to reflect changes on your body. You have to follow it religiously and consistently for at least a few weeks for it to work and for you to become accustomed to eating that way.  

6. Exercise regularly

Exercise is a great way to increase endorphins and make you feel great. Now we don’t mean spending countless hours at the gym torturing yourself on the treadmill. 

Intermittent fasting comes with the added benefit of making you feel healthier (as it involves syncing your mealtimes with your body’s circadian rhythm). Combining it with exercising is going to be all the more beneficial in terms of making you feel healthy and burning calories. Regular exercise can include going for walks, hiking, working out with a friend (etc), you can make it something you’re excited about rather than something you hate. 

Intermittent fasting is just like any other new thing you try, you need to remain consistent with it and fight through some of the uncomfortable feelings you may experience. When your body is used to a certain lifestyle, it takes a while for it to adjust and feel good again. But remember, every diet is different and the outcome is unique to each individual so be sure to do what’s best for you!

Avoid stress this festive season


The holiday blues 

The holiday season is often a time when we invite unwanted guests, anxiety, stress and even a little depression into our homes and our lives. There’s a sort of expectation that we should feel happy and positive during this time of the year, but this is often not the case. And the thing is, when we feel down, agitated, somewhat depressed and stressed during this time of year, we tend to put additional stress onto our emotional wellbeing and beat ourselves up for being down in the dumps. 

Times have changed

Since when did the holiday period shift from us running around like kids with our cousins we only saw once a year to us suddenly trying to ‘adult’, buy gifts, make food (who even knows how to make a moist turkey in any case?) and endless socialising. 

It’s not fair, is it? Why does the festive period bring with it the stress of entertaining friends and family, trying to find the perfect gifts, cook delicious food your grandmother is proud of and trying to get enough sleep? 

We go from working hard throughout the year to try and make ends meet, to running around like headless turkeys trying to make everyone happy during the holidays. 

Well, this year we say “no more!”

Here is our ultimate guide to surviving the holidays

1. Breathe in deep

Now, this pointer might seem a little obvious but hear us out. 

Did you know that when you stress, you have a tendency to hold your breath? This means that less oxygen is getting to your brain. As a result of this, your body’s fight-or-flight response kicks in which releases hormones to help you combat a stressful situation. And cooking the turkey is not exactly a fight-or-flight situation, but our brains might perceive it to be one based on the anxiety and stress we are experiencing as a result of our current situation. 

Some therapists recommend wearing an elastic band around your wrist. When things start to feel a little overwhelming, gently pull back on this elastic and let it snap back on your wrist. This little snap will bring you back into the present moment and will serve as a reminder to breathe deeply. Just 4 deep breaths are enough to change your entire mindset. 

Have a look at some deep breathing techniques here

2. Don’t force yourself to be happy

There’s an expectation around this time of year for it to truly be ‘the most wonderful time of the year.’ But this doesn’t mean every single day has to be filled with magic. It’s normal to feel sadness, grief or stress during this time of the year. Embrace and express your emotions in order to properly deal with them. 

3. Stop negative thoughts in their place

When you catch yourself caught in a whirlwind of negative emotions, try to bring your awareness to the room and the space around you. This is known as grounding yourself. It can be as simple as placing your feet on the floor and feeling the weight of your body pressing on your feet and the floor supporting your weight. 


Avoid stress this festive season

4. Learn to say no

Remember that you have worked all year and deserve a little time off. This means that it’s okay to say no to some social obligations. Set some time aside to do something special for yourself. It can be taking a drive out to somewhere beautiful, going for a long beach walk when your family wanted you to stay for lunch or just lying in a bath and listening to some good music. You do you. And don’t forget to always be kind to yourself. 

Keep in mind that there is a limit to how much you can accomplish during the holidays. You can’t please everyone, but you can please yourself. 

5. Take some time out to exercise

You know what they say “you are only one workout away from a better mood.” Take some time out to go for a run, attend a yoga class or dance class. No matter what kind of exercise you like to get involved in now is the time to do it. 

Plus, we have put together a guide on how to stay healthy and fit during the holiday season. 

Bonus tip: turn off your social media!

Talk about a detox diet that really works – disconnect from social media for a few days during the holidays. Trust us on this one, it really works. 

At home exercises


The holidays are a time for spending time with loved ones and friends, eating some delicious food and more importantly, relaxing. 

When it comes to the holiday period, we seem to spend a lot more time with our feet up than we do hitting the gym or working out. And who can blame us? We’ve worked incredibly hard throughout the year and we deserve a break. 

But getting in a workout doesn’t have to require the gym, equipment or even a lot of effort. In fact, all it takes is a little dedication and just 30 minutes of your time. That’s it. And afterwards, you will be left feeling a little less guilty about eating three helpings of pudding last night and a little more energised and happy! 

How this guide works

All of these exercises can be done in the comfort of your own home. We’ll take you through the various exercises and how they are done, then we will apply them to a sweat-creating, muscle-making, heavy-breathing kind of workout (seriously, it’s a great one!). 

Oh, and while you’re here, have a look at this blog on healthy hacks for the holiday season plus 3 healthy recipes for classic holiday meals. 

1. Chair pose 

Target muscles: Hamstrings, glutes and core 

Start in a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart. Then, extending your arms in front of you, lower your body into a seated position. You can do this against a wall with your back straight up against the wall. Basically, you get into a seated position, but without the chair. 

Hold this for one minute. 

2. Standing side-leg raises 

Target muscles: Core and hips

Start in a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart. Start by lifting your right leg out toward the side, keep your core tight as you slowly lift your leg. Then return it back to the starting position. Make sure this is a slow and controlled movement, extending your leg to just over 45 degrees (if you can). 

Repeat with each side for 10 to 15 reps per side. 

3. Oblique side bends

Target muscles: Obliques 

Starting in the standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hands behind your head (clasping the back of your head with your fingers intertwined). Engage your core and bend at your waist to the right toward the floor – in a slow and controlled motion.  Then repeat on the other side. 

Do this for 15 to 20 reps per side. 

4. Sumo squat

Target muscles: Inner thighs

Start by standing with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart and your toes pointing slightly outwards. With your hands clasped together at your chest (this will help with balance), push your hips back and then squat down – make sure you keep your back straight and your upper body lifted.

Repeat this 10 to 15 times. 

5. Push-ups

Target muscles: Triceps, chest, core and shoulders 

This is a great upper body exercise!

Start with your stomach and chest on the floor. Your legs should be straight out behind you and your palms should be in line with your chest. Push from your heels and hands as you bring your chest, torso and thighs off the floor. Then slowly lower yourself back down and repeat. 

An easier pushup version: It makes it a little easier if, instead of your feet being on the mat, you bring your heels towards your butt and then, press slowly through your hands to fully extend the elbows. Then slowly return to the starting position (flat on the floor). 

Repeat 5 to 10 times. 

6. Glute raises

Target muscles: Glutes

Start by lying flat on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Keep your arms down at your side with palms facing down. 

Slowly lift your hips off the ground until they form a straight line with your knees and shoulders. Hold this for a few seconds before easing back down. 

Repeat 10 to 20 times. 

7. Side plank

Target muscles: Obliques

Start by lying on your side with your feet together and stacked on top of one another. Then raise yourself onto your elbow and lift your hips off the mat – raise your hips until your body is in a straight line from head to fee. Keep your core tight. 

Hold this position for 30 seconds. Repeat on the other side. 

At home exercises

Full body workout example

Now that you know how to do these simple at-home exercises, let’s discuss how you can apply these to a workout…

3 – 4 rounds. Full body. Prepare to sweat. 

  1. Chair pose – hold for 60 seconds 
  2. Standing side leg raises – 10 reps per side 
  3. Oblique side bends – 15 reps per side 
  4. Sumo squat – 10 reps 
  5. Pushups – 10 reps 
  6. Glute raises – 20 reps 
  7. Side plank – hold for 30 seconds each side 

So, get to sweating! 

Happy holidays from all of us at WellBe! 

Healthy Food


Don’t let mince pies, mashed potatoes and stuffing be the death of a year of working hard in the gym and eating healthy foods. 

With decadent meals, braais, parties and other food-filled affairs coming up in December, it can be pretty tough to maintain a healthy eating plan and fitness routine.  And we get it. Not everyone can turn down the Christmas pudding or that second cocktail at the pool on a sunny day. And why should you? You deserve it, right? 

We aren’t here to tell you to say no to every delicious temptation you are faced with these holidays, because in our honest opinion, a holiday of dieting doesn’t sound like any fun at all. And yeah, you do deserve the dessert! 

The trick is to learn how to indulge the right way, and more importantly when to say no. It’s planning your days a little better so that you don’t feel like you want to eat half the turkey come dinner time. When it comes to exercising, there are expert hacks you can learn that will help you fit in some quick workouts. 

So, fret not our fine fitness and health-living friends, we are here to help you (and your body) survive the festive season and avoid having to set unrealistic New Year’s resolutions centred around weight loss and hours on the treadmill. 

1. Plan your days

Meal plans and exercise routines tend to fall away in the holidays and are taken over by unplanned and over catered dinners and lazy afternoons. 

But there is a way you can stop yourself from falling victim to the endless late-night dinners and lack of exercise. And how you do this is by planning ahead. 

For example, if you know you have a big family dinner coming up tomorrow night. Make sure you stick to wholesome and healthy meals for breakfast and lunch so that you don’t overindulge yourself at dinner. Don’t skip lunch because you know dinner will be a big meal, this is a recipe for an overeating disaster. 

Our exercising hack is to wake up early while everyone is still sleeping to get in a quick morning jog, yoga session or workout. This will free up your day for any unexpected plans and leave you feeling energised and stress-free for the rest of the day!

Exercising during the holidays is a productive way to stay healthy and burn off those extra calories from the Christmas pudding. Plus, you start the new year on a healthy and fit note! 

2. Don’t forget to drink water

This might seem like an obvious one, but it is something many of us forget to do.

Drinking water is important for a number of reasons. For one, our brains tend to confuse thirst with hunger. So, before you dish up seconds, try drinking a big glass of water. 

In fact, you should aim to drink at least 2 glasses of water before each meal. This will leave you feeling fuller. 

With sugary drinks and cocktails flowing (here’s a great read on cocktail choices for your health), it’s also particularly important that you drink loads of water to compensate for the alcohol intake and to try and incorporate fibre rich snacks such as nuts and avos to also keep you fuller for longer. 

While you’re here, have a look at this blog on how to boost your metabolism

3. Know when to say no

We get that your aunt or grandma might be incredibly pushy when it comes to everyone having a second slice of her homemade apple pie. But you need to learn to say no. 

Now, we aren’t saying you should restrict yourself or feel guilty over eating some dessert. Not at all. Have that slice of pie, eat it and enjoy every bite of it! But you don’t need that second slice. 

4. Try to fit in quick exercises

If you can’t make it to your gym, then you can try to incorporate HIIT (high-intensity interval training) or bodyweight exercises at home. There is a wide range of workout videos on YouTube that will help you get in a quick workout of 10 to 30 minutes. Remember, every little bit counts. 

5. Keep burning calories as much as you can

One of the simplest holiday health hacks is to keep moving. Go for a walk with your family on the beach, play fetch with your dog, go for a hike, take the stairs at the shopping mall or pop 10 squats the next time you are in the bathroom. 

6. Research some healthier recipes for holiday classics

If you have to bring a meal for the festive feast, why not make it a healthy one? There are a ton of healthy takes on classic holiday meals that are just as delicious and much better for your health. 

We have put together 3 healthy holiday meals right here for you to take a look at. 

Healthy Food

7. Relax

With all the shopping, socialising and parties, it can be hard to find some time to kick back and relax. You need to do your best to limit your stress. You can do this by saying ‘no’ to a few parties or just taking some time out for yourself. You deserve it. 

8. Be kind to yourself

It’s been a long year and you have worked really hard to get where you are now. Take a step back and spend some time writing down everything you accomplished this year. It can be as simple as running a 5km or as big as a promotion. Reward yourself for a job well done. 

This is also a great time to set your goals for the new year. 

From all of us at WellBe, happy holidays! 



Christmas magic is silent. You don’t hear it — you feel it. You know it. You believe it.

The holidays are a time for relaxing, spending time with loved ones, sleeping in and eating some mouth-watering meals. We encourage you to treat yourself these holidays and stay healthy doing it!

Don’t let the Christmas pudding get the better of your this year with these healthy and delicious meals that are bound to bring some festive joy to any family table!

Download your copy of 3 December Healthy Holiday Meals