A new year is always the promise of a fresh start. We go into every new year with the mindset that things will be different and we need to reset and make this year better than the last. Although we have all of these great intentions, we often create unrealistic and unhealthy resolutions that we’re bound to give up on.
This doesn’t put you in the right mindset to start the year on a positive note and prevents you from achieving the goals you’ve set out to.
It’s time to change the narrative of new year’s resolutions and create healthy resolutions that you can stick to!
What are New Year’s Resolutions?
A new year’s resolution is a promise to yourself and only yourself. It is something you want to change in the new year, something that will get you closer to achieving more or bigger goals and a way of bettering yourself as each year goes by.
At the end of the year, we usually sit down and compile a list of resolutions we hope to stick to in the new year that will make us feel better or help us achieve more.
More often than not, we create resolutions that end up making us feel worse about ourselves and in the back of our minds, we know we won’t stick to any of them.
Changing the resolutions narrative
It’s time to stop thinking about resolutions as something you hope to stick to but will probably get over by the time March rolls around but see them as small changes you can make to live a happier, healthier lifestyle.
How to make healthy resolutions you can stick to
1. Concentrate on quality rather than quantity
Rather focus on a few realistic resolutions that you are more likely to accomplish. It is better to focus on things you know you can change rather than trying to change every single thing you aren’t happy with. Small slow steps will create progressive changes in other aspects of your life.
2. Clearly define your goals
Have a direct indication of what you want to achieve and exactly how you want to do it. Step away from resolutions like “go to the gym more this year” and focus more on a resolution like “being physically active at least 2-3 times a week”. This resolution gives you a clearer outline of what you need to do in order to succeed and it gives you more options to be active instead of only focusing on going to the gym.
3. Write them down
Studies show that we are more likely to follow or achieve goals when they are written down. You need to have them clearly written down and in a place that you will look at and revisit often.
Hint: stick them on your fridge!
4. Plan on how you’ll overcome setbacks
Perfection doesn’t exist. As much as you try to do everything the way you want to and as much as you strive for perfection, life happens. There are setbacks that come in a variety of forms but that doesn’t mean you aren’t doing the best that you can. It merely means that you have had one set back, not that you have failed.
Identify possible setbacks that may come your way and have a plan B on how you are going to navigate your way around them so that it doesn’t impact your resolution.
5. Track your progress
Track how far you’ve come and where you’re going. This will be a motivating factor for you to keep going, constantly reminding yourself that you’ve got this and you’re doing so well.
In the same breath, you need to keep revisiting your resolutions. We tend to write them down and that’s it, as the year goes by we forget about them. Make sure that you look back at your resolutions and keep them in mind as you track your progress.
6. Consider a wellness coach
Most resolutions centre around health and fitness and while it’s easy to write that down as a resolution, achieving it is a different story.
A wellness coach may sound like an over the top thing to consider but their goal is to help you change your lifestyle and will make sure you achieve your goals.
Some healthy resolutions to consider
We have a few resolutions we consider to be healthy and will help you move forward in a positive direction as we enter the new decade.
- Focus on yourself, remind yourself to love you first. There are many ways to do this, find out more here.
- Be more active but more than just hitting the gym. There are many ways to get a workout in and increase your activity levels rather than torturing yourself doing something you detest.
- Changing your diet. Now we don’t mean finding a new, trending diet where you can have a grape for breakfast and smell an apple for dinner. We mean finding a way to change your lifestyle that suits you, your goals and won’t damage your mental health. Consider this article for more intel into how to do this.
Resolutions shouldn’t be these annoying little things that you’ll never achieve or you’ll just forget about. They should be goals that will enable you to better yourself and your lifestyle as each year passes by.