Diet diversity means to include a range of different food groups into your diet, and a variety of different colours. 

Did you know that every food group serves a function for our bodies and provides us with different nutrients? 

The colour of foods also influences the kind of nutrients the food offers. Which is why it is important to eat a variety of foods to ensure we are taking in as many vitamins and minerals as possible. 


Eat The Rainbow 

I am sure many of you have heard the phrase, “to eat the rainbow”. This is an old saying that many used to encourage others to eat variety, as it results in increased fibre, vitamin and mineral intake. The colour of fruits and vegetables is created by phytonutrients – natural chemicals that help protect plants from bugs, pesticides and the sun’s harmful rays. Phytonutrients keep the plant healthy and provide us with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. So, what do the different colours mean? 


  • red fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes and red pepper have cancer fighting properties and reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease. 

Orange and Yellow

  • orange and yellow fruits and vegetables such as oranges, carrots and corn improve the immune system as they are rich in Vitamin C. 


  • green fruits and vegetables help to detoxify the body and can also assist in supporting the immune system. I am sure many of you heard the saying, “eat your greens” when you were younger. Your parents said this because greens are one of the healthiest foods we can eat. Green vegetables like spinach and broccoli are high in folate – an important B-vitamin. 


  • purple vegetables such as aubergine and purple cabbage have anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties.


  • blue fruits such as blueberries are high in antioxidants and are a great superfood for the body. 


Benefits Of A Diverse Diet

As mentioned, the different food groups each provide our body with unique nutrients and functions. Daily, we consume both macronutrients (carbohydrates, fats, and protein) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) which serve a purpose for our body. 


Macronutrients are nutrients that are needed in our bodies in large quantities and provide our body with energy. 

Micronutrients are non-caloric and provide us with vitamins and minerals to support our gut health and immune system. 

Carbohydrates, protein and fat all provide us with energy. 

Protein is also important for muscle growth and bone health and fat insulates our organs and assists in hormone production. 

As you can see, each food group provides a unique function for our body and aids our body to work in the most efficient way. 


Recipe Ideas 

Cocoa Blended Oats 

Instead of a bowl of plain oats, change it up! Add some peanut butter for healthy fats and protein and top with fresh berries to increase your phytonutrient intake. 

You can download the recipe here


Cocoa Blended Oats


40 g rolled oats 

50 – 100ml nut milk 

250ml water

1 tsp cinnamon 

1 tsp cocoa 

1 tsp honey 

1 tsp natural peanut butter 

5 raspberries 

Handful of granola (Woolworths carb-free preferable) 



  1. Cover the oats in water and cook on the stove with cinnamon and cocoa, stirring occasionally. 
  2. Once the oats soak up the water, add the nut milk and more water if necessary and cook for a few more minutes. 
  3. When the oats are cooked, remove from the stove and allow to cool for 5 minutes. 
  4. Then add the oats to a blender, and blend for a few seconds to get a nice, creamy consistency.
  5. Pour the mixture into a bowl, top with honey, peanut butter, berries and granola and enjoy! 
Staying Motivated


What really drives your actions? Most people don’t actually know what prompts, guides and sustains their goal-oriented behaviours in every-day life. 

Research shows that extrinsic incentives and seeking external rewards might be the most powerful motivator to encourage individuals to perform certain tasks and actions every day. Understanding what forces are behind your actions can help you better maintain motivation and level-up your productivity to its maximum. 

So, what exactly is the incentive theory of motivation?

According to leading psychologists, most people work harder and stay at higher levels of motivation when they are inspired by external reinforcements. That’s where the incentive theory comes in – one of the primary motivation theories that deals with human behaviour and action. 

Alternatively called the Reward Motivation Theory, this theory provides an explanation for human behaviour that suggests that productive behaviour is promoted by a desire for outside reinforcements or incentives rather than internal desires. Essentially, people are more likely to behave in a certain way if it will bring about a greater chance of an external reward.

A simple example: an employee might work harder due to the incentive of earning a bonus. Their motivation is their desire to receive this reward.

But, keep in mind, there can be negative incentives too. People are generally pulled towards rewarding actions but pushed away from actions that might lead to negative consequences. For example, you might be more motivated to show up to the gym on the days you feel particularly sluggish due to the negative impact it will have on your progress if you don’t.  

So, as you can see, it works both ways. The important thing is to figure out exactly which incentives work for you and how you can use these reinforcements to boost your productivity in your own life.

Motivation 101

How can you use this to your advantage? 

While both positive and negative reinforcement is effective, at WellBe we like to focus on positivity and optimism when fostering strong motivational habits. Below we focus on some great tips and tricks that will help you learn to self-motivate, be more productive and avoid motivational burn-out.

1. Staying motivated at work 

The important thing to remember is that incentives only become powerful if you place personal importance on the reward. That’s why, before setting your mind on any task, it’s important to identify your core values. Determining your unique core values can help you understand what kind of incentive you respond to best.

For example, consider the reward aspects of your desired job. Rewards could be obvious, such as higher pay, praise or professional development. These rewards can also be more subtle – such as being motivated to do work that evokes feelings of pride and achievement, or working hard at a job that makes you feel as if you’re doing meaningful work. 

This is especially important for people who are working from home and whose current motivational levels might be at an all-time low. By drawing on these personal gains, you’ll be more inspired to work hard, achieve more and maintain your focus on your work-related goals instead of getting stuck in the lockdown slump.

2. Staying motivated in your fitness journey 

When it comes to fitness, everybody’s goals tend to vary and can range from a desire to live a healthy life to a strong dedication to achieving a personal fitness objective or sporting goal. Whether it’s trying to reach your fastest time yet or simply staying dedicated to hitting the gym at least twice a week, it’s important to decipher what your major source of external reinforcement might be. 

Keep in mind that not all incentives are created equal. That means that it might take some real reflection on your part to discover what really inspires you to take action and which rewards you find motivating. Once you figure out your primary external reinforcement factors, you’ll truly be able to run further, push harder and unlock your full potential.

3. Staying motivated when maintaining mental health and happiness

While it may seem counterintuitive, a lot of people need to develop real discipline and daily self-motivation habits to take the necessary small steps to achieve their own happiness everyday. 

In this day and age, setting aside time for yourself and personal reflection takes some practice. Step away from the screen, put down your phone and give yourself a chance to breathe. Dedicating just a few minutes a day to completely detaching from the world of work and daily home-life stresses can actually make you more productive in the long run, as well as ensure a more balanced outlook and encourage mindfulness.

So, take the time to go for a run, take a long hot bath, bake some sweet treats in the oven or even try a few sessions of online therapy to get more in touch with yourself and your current stresses at this time. What greater motivational incentive is there than ensuring your own health, happiness and mental stability ?

How to stay motivated with WellBe

We know staying motivated during lockdown can be tricky. With most of us working from home and still self-isolating, it’s hard to keep the enthusiasm levels high and our stress levels low. That’s why we’re here to help. 

At Wellbe, we want to inspire you to be the happiest, healthiest and strongest version of yourself that you can be – no matter what obstacles you face. That’s why we share our top motivational tips, healthy recipes and mindful yoga sessions with our loyal followers on WellB&Co’s Instagram page every day. 

Join our WellBe community and discover our series of helpful blogs and motivational messages to keep you focused on your health and wellness goals. 

Our Wellbe team is here to help you start living a life that is truly Happier. Healthier. Wellthier.

Contact us for more information about our exercise and training advice, wellness plans and better body blueprint program.



By Katey Kerr-Peterson

Perhaps you’re thinking life is already busy and stressful enough as it is. How will I be productive and get everything done in a day if I’m always taking the time to ‘stop and smell the roses’?

Various studies and research show that not only does practicing mindfulness increase our ability to cope with stress, it has also been shown to increase confidence, focus, and our ability to experience joy & happiness.

A Harvard study that was conducted with over 5 000 participants, across 80 countries, showed that our minds wander 47% of the time. That’s almost half of our lives that we are distracted. The study went on to show that we tend to be less happy when our minds wander compared to when we are in the present moment. 

Perhaps you already recognize that constant dialogue going on in your mind. If not, try closing your eyes for a moment and think of nothing. It won’t take long before you acknowledge just how much our minds bounce back and forth incessantly from one thought to another.


Why are we so distracted?

Our conscious mind is the analytical part of our brain. It’s where we judge, plan, analyze, and criticize, and it can only process a fraction of the data it receives from all our senses. If you were to total up all information you receive every second from your sensory neurons – touch, taste, smell, sight, and sound – it would add up to around 11 million bits of information each second.

And how much do you think our conscious attention can handle? Only 60 bits per second.

Add into the mix an unprecedented growth in technology, our fast-paced and hyper-connected lifestyles result in us feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Our nervous systems are in an almost constant state of ‘fight or flight’. We act out of impulse, our minds feel blurry, unclear, and life can feel rather chaotic.




The role of mindfulness

There is good news! 

By practicing mindfulness, we are able to downregulate our nervous system and navigate through our lives with a greater sense of mental clarity and inner peace.

Defined as ‘the ability to focus on the present moment, on purpose, with an attitude of non-judgment’, mindfulness gives us a new vantage point so we can zoom out of the daily demands life throws at us, and are able to think more clearly.

It means moving through your day aware of what you’re doing, where you are, and who you’re with, without getting wrapped up in the inner dialogue of your mind. You allow yourself the space to think, to breathe, and to take up a role as the observer. 

Ways to introduce mindfulness into your everyday life:

  • Spend time in nature – leave your phone at home and simply observe what you see. Take it all in, moment to moment. Even 10 minutes in the fresh air will do.
  • Mindful exercise – get out of your head and into your body by connecting breath to movement. Practices such as Yoga and Tai-chi help our nervous system get out of ‘fight or flight’ and into ‘rest and digest’.
  • Seated Meditation – sit comfortably, close your eyes, and observe your breath. The goal is NOT to empty your mind (it will wander!).  Rather observe your thoughts as they come and go. Start with 5 minutes and work yourself up from there. For a variety of free guided meditations download the ‘Insight Timer’ App.
  • Mindful eating – skip eating on the run, at your desk, or while on your phone. Be with your food and savour each taste!

Studies show that practicing mindfulness strengthens our immune systems, decreases levels of cortisol (the stress hormone), as well as the size of the Amygdala – the fear center in our brains where our negative emotions & thoughts come from.

The more practiced we become at being present, the more we can open up to the richness of what life has to offer us. We can switch off autopilot and take back control in the driver seat of our lives.

And if that sounds like music to your ears, go ahead and enjoy listening to every note!

Chocolate Oat Bowl.





Is there anything better than a warm and delicious bowl of oats in the morning? Add chocolate to that mix and you have the perfect winter warmer combo!


40 g oats, cooked in water
100 ml of nut milk of choice
1 tsp cinnamon powder
1 tsp cacao powder


Nut butter
Fresh fruit
Maple syrup or honey


Blend the cooked oats in a blender and top with toppings of choice.

Download Your Chocolate Oat Bowl Here


Pasta alla Relish




SERVES: 1 – 2

This meal is wholesome & full of plant-based deliciousness, perfect for meat-free Monday. A fun twist on your classic pasta dish and using chickpea pasta is high in protein, great for your gut and for your health!


40 g chickpea pasta e.g. happy earth people
1 large whole fresh tomato
1/2 red bell pepper
1 tsp oregano
1 Tbsp tomato puree
½ – 3/4 cup vegetable stock
Half a medium-sized aubergine
Salt & pepper to taste
Sprinkle of seeds of choice
Chilli flakes, optional


Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Cut the tomato in quarters and place the tomato and red bell pepper in a baking dish with oregano, olive oil, salt and optional chilli flakes. Cook it in the oven for 40 mins. While the tomato and red pepper is in the oven, cut the aubergine into slices and fry the aubergine in olive oil until it starts to caramelise. Remove the tomato and red pepper from the oven and blitz together with tomato puree. Add the sauce to the aubergine and cook with vegetable stock for 10 mins. While the sauce is cooking, heat the pasta as per packet instructions. Place the pasta in the bowl, top with the homemade sauce & sprinkle with seeds, salt, pepper and enjoy.

Download Your Pasta alla Relish Here 

Chickpea Curry





Chickpeas are a rich source of vitamins, minerals and fiber and a variety of health benefits, such as improving digestion. Being a plant based meal, this curry is great for your gut and sure to warm you up! Chickpeas are high in protein and make an excellent replacement for meat in vegetarian and vegan diets.


1 tin chickpeas, drained
1 yellow onion, diced
1 tin coconut milk
1 tin chopped and peeled tomatoes
1 tbsp each curry powder + turmeric
1 tsp each cumin powder + paprika
1 tbsp each grated ginger + crushed garlic
1 lemon (juice squeezed)
1 tsp honey (optional) (use sugar if vegan)
2 handfuls of spinach
100 g mushrooms, chopped
Salt, pepper and chilli flakes to taste
Serve cooked brown or Basmati rice and
fresh chopped coriander


Cook the rice as per packet instructions. Mix all the spices together and fry in a large pot with the onion, garlic and ginger in olive oil for 2 minutes on a medium heated stove top. Add the chopped mushrooms and chickpeas and fry for a further 3 mins. Add the tinned coconut milk, tinned tomatoes and allow to simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the spinach, lemon juice and honey. Stir all together and allow to simmer for a further 10 minutes. Season to taste. Serve with cooked rice and chopped coriander.


Download Your Chickpea Curry Recipe Here



We know it’s hard to stay motivated, but it’s even harder to get your head in the game when you don’t have the right inspiration. False facts about what it takes to make your goals a reality could be sabotaging your self-improvement journey and preventing you from achieving your personal objectives in the workplace and at home. From the idea that money is the ultimate motivator to the strategy of playing the waiting game, this week we debunk the most common motivation myths surrounding success. 

What are the top myths about motivation?

Myth #1: Visualizing success

Many people are told that if they can just picture themselves reaching their goals, they can achieve it. If you can imagine yourself as fit and healthy, or visualize the day that you finally get that sought-after promotion, then you’ll be one step closer to achieving success.

The reality: A lot more work goes into achieving your dreams than just imagining a victory. Simply visualizing success can be counterproductive and oversimplify your goal-attainment strategy. Remember,  it’s always important to keep a positive attitude and strong mindset, but don’t let that overshadow the actual work needed to gear you towards where you want to go. 

For example, many people may spend so much time visualizing getting fit and healthy that they never actually take the necessary, practical steps, such as tweaking their diet or starting to exercise.

Myth #2 Money is the ultimate motivator

For most people, money considerations seem to be at the top of the list when it comes to career choices and personal decisions. Many people still believe that the possibility of making money is the main incentive that encourages individuals to meet their targets and produce better work. 

The reality: The motivation of money will quickly die out. If you place too much importance on financial gains, you may lose the passion you have for your work or for achieving that particular wellness or fitness goal you’ve been working towards.

This can leave you feeling more unmotivated than before. You’ll quickly find that your reasons for working so hard aren’t concrete, and if they don’t align with your personal goals and your own happiness, your determination to put your best foot forward will take a knock. 

Myth #3 Nothing is more motivating than fear

Some people believe that fear can be used to ignite your work-drive and help you achieve your fitness, personal or work goals quicker. The fear of losing a job or a source of livelihood, or the fear of sickness and illness due to living an unhealthy lifestyle, may motivate many people to change their daily choices and work towards self-improvement.

The reality: Fear’s power is short-lived and its motivational push is only temporary. In fact, research shows that positive reinforcement is usually more effective than fear when it comes to building and maintaining motivation.

Over time, fear creates a stressful, unhealthy environment instead of a positive driving force which builds your self-esteem and provides encouragement as you achieve your step-by-step goals.


Myth #4 Overworking yourself 

Many people glorify the idea of working too hard. Working all hours of the night, not getting enough sleep and juggling home and work responsibilities all at once is seen as a must-do for anyone worthy of achieving success and setting themselves above the rest.

The reality: Being overworked can drastically inhibit your performance and stop you from ultimately unlocking your full potential. Whether it’s achieving your dream job, reaching your ultimate fitness goal or excelling at a hobby, it’s important to maintain a healthy balance. Work hard, but remember to reward yourself with time off and a small treat every now and again.  

Myth #5 Playing the waiting game

Many people believe that you have to wait for the exact right moment, pinpoint the perfect opportunity and wait for a specific inspiration in order to get motivated and start the journey to success. 

The reality: Success is not about luck, and motivation does not come and go randomly. Staying motivated is a continuous  process  that requires constant thought and mind-maintenance every day. The key is to create your own motivation, don’t wait for it.

Sit down and make a step-by-step plan for reaching your goals. Find like-minded people to help you stay motivated. Why not join a fitness club or enlist the help of a professional society for better career advancement? 

And don’t forget the most important part – always inspire yourself with small rewards for achieving every goal along the way.

Myth #6 Being smart makes up for motivation 

Some people believe that being naturally smart or gifted means that staying motivated is not that essential. A lot of people rely on their intelligence alone to get them where they need to go and trust that they’ll achieve success regardless of the energy they direct towards finding inspiration and keeping themselves motivated.

The reality: Being gifted is not enough. Hard work and planning is a necessary tool for success. Researchers have actually found that intelligence is not always a good predictor of real achievement. However, with self-motivation strategies and your own passion driving you, you can never go wrong. 

Myth #7 Only some people are real “go-getters” 

Some people believe that you are either born to achieve great things or you aren’t. Often people will describe someone as a born “go-getter” – someone who can achieve anything they set their mind to and is naturally gifted when it comes to paving a path towards success.

The reality: having the right attitude and developing a strong work ethic takes time, and there’s no use being hard on yourself if this requires a bit of practice. People don’t automatically have a strong motivational streak or lack one.

It all comes down to your own  passion for achieving your goals. The effort you devote to bettering yourself everyday and the small steps you put in place make you that much closer to reaching your goal every time you leave your home or office.

Key Takeaways 

  • There is no one-step trick to finding motivation. Staying motivated is a constant process and it can’t be achieved overnight. 
  • Hard work, a balanced lifestyle and strong incentive for achieving your goals outweighs any quick-fix motivational strategy. 
  • Finding your own personal inspirations and having a strong commitment to your goals can be the biggest deciding factor when it comes to staying motivated for the long-term or losing your enthusiasm over time.

Still in need of some inspiration? Check out our Instagram page for some motivation magic. Our daily posts will give you the encouragement you need to pursue your goals, discover new health hacks and stay motivated everyday. 

If you’re looking for any more friendly tidbits of advice, you can also take a look at our helpful blog page that discusses the most up-to-date health and wellness developments as and when they happen.