Compound exercises are known as the secret to building lean, strong muscles. If you have ever done some research into new workouts to add to your gym routine, then chances are you would have come across some of these incredible exercises.

Whether you want to lose weight, gain muscle or improve your fitness, compound exercises can help you reach your fitness goal.

Before we get into the excellent benefits of compound exercises, let’s first explain what exactly these are…

Tell me a little more about compound exercises

Compound exercises are movements that incorporate and activate multiple muscle groups.

Isolation exercises (another common term in the world of fitness), target a specific muscle group (here’s looking at you, bicep curl).

Both these types of exercises have fantastic benefits and have their own place in any training plan, however, compound exercises are a great way to get more done in a shorter period of time.

There are 2 different types of compound exercises:

  1. Single movement compound exercises: These include the activation of multiple muscle groups in one single move. Some examples include a squat, lunge or deadlift.
  2. Double movement compound exercises: These are 2 moves that create one exercise, such as a bicep curl into a shoulder press.

Why you should include compound exercises into your training routine

Did you know that one of the biggest reasons people give up their training routine is because they just don’t have the time?

While isolation exercises are great for those who have the time or inclination to slowly build a muscular body, these ‘one muscle’ movements are not effective enough to maximise the calories burned in a workout. And not only that, but if you stick to isolation exercises only, you are missing out on a lot of the benefits of compound movements.

The truth is, everyone should include compound exercises into their fitness plan.

The 3 main categories of fitness that compound exercises are extremely effective for include:

  1. Cardiovascular
  2. Strength
  3. Flexibility

Now it’s time to get into the exciting part of this article (are you ready?)

4 benefits of compound exercises

The benefits of compound exercises are incredible.

They activate multiple muscle groups, which help you to gain more strength and also burn more calories. Compound exercises help improve your balance, coordination and also strengthen your abdominal muscles. But before we give all the details away, here are the 4 main benefits…

1. Burn more calories

Compound exercises make you work harder, sweat more, move more and use more energy.

The more muscles you use during a workout, the more energy you expend. This means that compound exercises can help your body to burn more calories in a shorter period of time.

2. Spend less time working out and more time making gains (or shredding down)

Whether you are on the gain train or wanting to slim down and lean out, compound exercises will help you reach your goal, and in half the amount of time.

Compound exercises are a great way to get in a full body workout in a short amount of time. Only have 30 minutes to squeeze in a workout? No problem. Download a quick and effective compound workout plan and get to training!

Did we mention that you can also burn more fat doing compound workouts?

3. Improve your intramuscular coordination

When you move and activate several muscle groups at the same time, this inevitably works on your coordination.

Over time, your muscles will start to remember (muscle memory) the movements and apply this strength and coordination to other situations and activities.

A large number of pro athletes include compound movements into their training regimen to do exactly this. Professional mountain bikers who need a lot of balance and coordination to ride over technical sections find that compound exercises improve their dynamic balance and movement skills.  Gymnasts are also athletes who rely heavily on their own ability to balance and maintain a strong core.

4. Improved cardiovascular system

Your cardiovascular system refers to your heart and blood vessels. Cardio exercises are any exercise that raises your heart rate.

The thing is, our bodies were created to move. To keep your muscles in good shape, you need to move them. In time, this movement will develop stronger muscles that lead to a healthier, more efficient body.

Because compound exercises are targeting a number of muscles at once, these movements can easily increase blood flow and as a result, your heart rate will increase to meet this demand.

Your heart is a muscle. The more it works, the healthier it gets.

Where to start

Knowing what compound exercises to include in your workout routine can be tricky. One of the most important things you need to ensure is that your form is correct (to not suffer from any injuries).

If you want to know where to start, then get in touch with our team and we can help design a personalised training and eating plan for you. One of our professional and qualified trainers can also guide you along the way.

To get you started, have a look at this blog post on 1 PIECE OF EQUIPMENT. 10 MOVES. ALL THE SWEAT.


To many, it may come as a surprise that you don’t have to eat meat to build muscle (vegans rejoice!). Which means that there is no reason for you to worry whether or not you are getting enough protein on a vegan diet.

In fact, studies have found that it does not make a difference whether or not your protein comes from animals or plants. The key to building lean muscle is how much you workout, how you workout, the amount of protein you consume and the times when you consume it.

In this article, we are going to show you how easy it is to gain lean muscle on a vegan diet in 4 simple steps…

Plant protein to build muscle: Does it work as well as meat protein?

Let’s get into the facts…

A recent study found that the short answer to this question is…yes!

The researchers in the study found that plant protein is just as effective to aid in muscle growth and strength as meat and animal protein.

Why does your body need protein?

Protein helps your body to repair and build muscle. Which is why it is so important to consume it after a hard workout.

Protein is a vital element of every single cell in your body. Your hair and nails mostly consist of protein. Your body will use protein to produce enzymes, hormones and other important chemicals. Simply put – protein is an essential building block of your muscles, bones, blood and skin.

Protein is a macronutrient. This means that your body needs large amounts of it. Minerals and vitamins are known as micronutrients, which means that your body only needs small amounts of these.

Did you know that your body stores carbs and fats but it cannot store protein? Which means we need to ensure we are getting enough protein in our daily diets.

But the thing is, you may need less protein than you think.


1. Make sure you are getting the right amount of protein

The RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) for protein is 0.8 grams of protein per each kilogram of your body weight.

The easiest way to work this out is to calculate what your minimum protein requirement is in grams and multiply this by your body weight.

So, a person who weighs 70kgs will need 56 grams of protein a day.

If you are someone who regularly works out, then you will need to include a bit more protein in your diet. Experts suggest this amount to be 1.2 to 2.0 grams per kg of bodyweight. Although, 1.5 grams per kilogram is a good amount to work with.

That’s roughly 84 to 140 grams a day for someone who weighs 70 kgs.

Expert tip – Apps like MyFitnessPal are great ways to track your protein consumption and get a good idea of how much protein you are consuming at each meal.

2. Make sure you pair your proteins correctly

Amino acids are known as the building blocks of protein. Your body is able to create some of its own amino acids, but it heavily relies on food to supply the bulk of them.

The amino acids your body cannot create on its own are referred to as essential amino acids. Here’s why you need to know this…

There are 2 different varieties of protein. The first of which is known as complete protein – this type of protein contains the 9 essential amino acids that your body cannot make.

The other type of protein is known as incomplete protein and this does not contain all of the 9 essential aminos.

The majority of plant proteins are incomplete, the only exceptions are chia, hemp, soy and quinoa. All meat proteins are complete proteins.

This is why it’s important to ensure you pair your foods correctly to get the complete protein you need.

Pairing sources of plant protein together to provide all the essential amino acids is known as complementary proteins.

Here are some pairing examples:

  • Barley and lentils
  • Whole wheat pita and hummus
  • Almonds and oats
  • Whole grain bread and nut butter
  • Brown rice and beans
  • Tempeh or tofu with quinoa and brown rice

3. Amazing plant protein sources

For optimal strength and muscle growth, you need to eat around 25 grams of protein at each main meal.

Here are some great examples of plant-based foods that are high in protein:

Beans, legumes and lentils

Kidney beans, black beans, chickpeas, lentils and peas are all great sources of protein. The protein content of each will vary slightly. For example, one cup of canned kidney beans will contain roughly 13 grams of protein. The same amount of lentils will contain 18 grams.

Tofu and soy products

Soy is something you can never get tired of. Soy products such as tofu are a great way to ensure you get protein in your diet and they make for a great meat alternative.

Soy cheese, yoghurt and tempeh are all delicious and healthy!

Tempeh is made from slightly fermented, cooked soybeans that are formed into patties. Roughly 100 grams of tempeh contains 18 grams of protein.

Quinoa and whole grains

Quinoa is known as the powerhouse of wholegrain protein. One cup of cooked quinoa contains 18 grams of protein and 9 grams of fibre.

Wholegrain bread, brown rice, barley and bulgar wheat are all rich in protein and relatively inexpensive.

Nuts and seeds

Cashews, walnuts, peanuts and almonds all contain protein. The same goes for sunflower and sesame seeds.

However, most nuts are high in fats, which is why you do not want to make them your primary source of protein. Nut butter is a great post-workout snack. 2 tablespoons of peanut butter contains about 8 grams of protein.

Protein powder

If you are looking for an easy way to include more protein in your diet, then protein powder is a great way to do it.

Make sure you read the labels of any protein powders you buy and make sure they contain natural ingredients and not any cheap fillers.

4. Time your protein intake correctly

Your muscle growth will heavily rely on the protein you eat, particularly before a workout.

Before hitting the gym, have some soy milk or a handful of nuts. A great snack is also some nut butter on a brown unsalted rice cracker.

You then need to make sure you eat within 30 minutes after your workout. This can be a meal or a snack (depending on the time of day).

A protein smoothie is a great and convenient option after a workout too!


If you want to know more about protein intake and want an eating and training plan designed just for you, then why not get in touch with the WellBe team and we can get you going on your fitness journey?


There’s a common misconception that a hardworking employee is someone who skips lunch and works nights to get the job done.

Although this approach to work-life is somewhat admiral, the nonstop meetings, deadlines, late nights, early mornings and even weekends of work, all spell one thing – burnout.

When you live a life revolved around work, your health takes a back seat and stress takes over.

Companies who understand that an employee’s mental and physical wellbeing is a top priority and implement wellness programs to help achieve this are rewarded with happy, hardworking and healthy staff.

The truth is, corporate wellness programs will soon no longer be a benefit, but rather a necessity in the years to come.

What is a corporate wellness program?

Also known as an employee wellness program, it will include strategies aimed to improve the health and wellness of employees.

The program is designed to reduce stress, give advice and information on health and nutrition and also provide health assessments to help uncover staff-specific health issues.

Simply put – a wellness program helps your company to implement specific practices and techniques that aid in creating a happy and healthy workplace.

The benefits of a corporate wellness program

Before we get into the simple and effective ways you can incorporate wellness in the workplace, let’s first take a look at the benefits of a wellness program

Just a little head’s up – If you would like a more detailed description, have a look at our article to get clued up!

But for now, here are the basics:

  • Improved productivity
  • Higher engagement
  • Fewer sick days
  • Happier and dedicated staff
  • Better company culture
  • Easier recruiting
  • Higher retention

Now that you have a good idea on what a wellness program is and how it can benefit your company, let’s get to the good part…


5 simple ways to bring wellness into the workplace

The first step you need to take is to work with a Wellness Coach or Wellness Company who specialises in implementing wellness in the workplace.

This way you can ensure you are making the right choices and taking the right steps toward a healthier, happier and wellthier workplace.

1. Create a flexible work culture

Implementing flexible working hours will enable your employees to avoid traffic and encourage a better balance between their home and work life.

Perhaps you can even allow employees to work remotely once a week?

Still not convinced on flexible work arrangements?

Have a look at this study – researchers from Standford discovered that staff who worked in a flexible work environment produced better results, worked longer hours, took fewer sick days and were much happier at work. They felt trusted and supported as they were allowed to create their own work schedules without the nag factor of micromanagement.

2. Encourage nutrition through healthy meals and recipes

Nutrition and diet have major roles to play in our overall wellbeing.

If your diet consists of high contents of sugar, take outs and greasy foods, your body is going to respond adversely.

Poor nutrition leads to sleep issues, daytime fatigue and low productivity and energy levels at work.

What you put into your body is what you get out.

So, if you’re loading up on the take out and unhealthy canteen food from work (even the freshly baked muffins in the morning meetings), your body is going to take a toll.

Through encouraging healthy eating and allowing your employees to access healthy, filling and delicious foods, this will not only benefit their health but your company’s too.

3. Give employees access to health and wellness information

A great way to do this is to send out a monthly newsletter with healthy recipes, fitness and health tips and tricks and some motivating articles to read and videos to watch. Which is something a wellness company can put together for you.

Instead of bombarding your staff with meeting requests and status updates, throw something healthy in the mix in the form of a wellness mail or newsletter.

Another great way to do this is host weekly wellness workshops where professional wellness coaches can chat with your staff on what it means to live a healthy life and how to go about doing so.

4. Reward healthy behaviours

Provide gym discounts and fitness allowances. For example, you could reward employees who work out a certain amount of times a week with a free coffee booster. You could also reward those who reach their fitness goal (run a 5km or take up a healthy eating plan and stick to it.)

There are all sorts of fun and rewarding ways you can encourage healthy behaviours both at work and at home.

5. Get your staff to move more

Ever heard of a walking meeting? It’s where you and your staff take a stroll to discuss things instead of sitting in a boardroom.

If this isn’t your style, then why not create lunchtime yoga sessions or mindfulness mornings?

The more exercise your employees can fit into their daily lives, the better they wellbeing will be.


Are you ready to bring wellness into the workplace?

If after reading this, you are ready to motivate employees, improve their health and happiness and in turn, improve productivity and the success of your company, then it’s time you get in touch with us.

What WellBe can do for your company:

  • Health-related digital content and newsletters
  • Workplace workouts
  • Menu additions, meal suggestions & recipes
  • Weekly workshops and seminars
  • Customised exercise and nutrition plans
  • Ongoing health and wellness consulting
  • Counselling and psychological support
  • Physiotherapy and chiropractic assistance
  • Performance and personal development coaching

So, are you ready for wellness?


It’s so easy to get caught up in the hustle of everyday life.

Our alarm goes off in the morning and we test the boundaries of how many times we can press snooze before we force ourselves out of bed (unless you are one of those unicorns who only set one alarm, then kudos to you!). 

We eat breakfast (if we have time), rush off to work, to fetch the kids, to a meeting, or to something important. Our days fly by in hazes of panic, stress, deadlines and if we can make it, a few gym sessions here and there. 

Before we know it, we are back in bed and set our alarm for the next morning, only to do it all again. 

The hustle doesn’t stop. Does it?

The thing is, you need to remember to take some time out for yourself. And trust me, you deserve it. 

The great part about self-care is that it doesn’t have to be big changes, the trick is to start small. 

By implementing these small practices into your daily life, it will improve your overall wellbeing, help you deal with stress better and help you live a happier life. 

Here are 10 easy and simple steps to take care of yourself every day

1. Exercise every day

A little exercise can really go a long way in reducing anxiety and stress. Even something as small as a brisk morning walk. 

Staying motivated isn’t always easy. Have a look at our expert guide to finding the oomph you need!

Incorporate exercise into your daily life, and pretty soon, it will become a habit. And a healthy one at that! 

Maybe you only have 20 minutes while dinner is in the oven, pop on a Yoga YouTube video and get into that downward dog! 

2. Learn to say no

It’s important to take time out for yourself. 

Maybe it’s staying in and binge-watching your favourite series instead of going to that dinner you were dreading or having a long hot bath. Sometimes, it’s okay to say no and put yourself first. 

You don’t want to spread yourself too thin, this will only create more stress in your life. 

Give yourself some downtime from time to time. 

3. Unplug from technology (we’re looking at you, Instagram)

The last thing we do before we hit the pillow and the first thing we do in the morning is to scroll the Gram, check Facebook updates, Snap, Tweet, share, email and post. We spend more of our free time on our phones than we realise. 

Before you get into bed at night, spend time writing or reading (yes, I mean a real book or Kindle will do). And when you wake up in the morning, take a few deep breaths and think 5 positive thoughts before you reach for your phone. 

It’s well worth it. 

4. Take time to meal prep and implement a healthy eating plan

So many people think that healthy eating means bland food which mostly consists of chicken, rice and broccoli (yuck!). 

Well, I am here to tell you that there are so many delicious, healthy and easy ways to eat healthily. 

Have a look at these 3 healthy meals to share with friends. And if you are feeling a little overwhelmed as to where to start with healthy eating, well, that’s where WellBe comes in. 

Drop us a line and we can create a yummy meal and training plan tailored just for you. 

The first step to healthy eating is to cut down on the amount of refined carbs and sugar you eat and include more whole grains, veggies and protein. 

5. Eat smaller, more frequent meals

This ties into the point above. Eating smaller more frequent meals is a great way to prevent that tired and sluggish feeling you get after eating a big meal. 

6. Meditate

A quick 5 or 10-minute meditation can make the world of difference! Before you start your day, take a few moments to breathe deep and set positive intentions for your day. 

There are some great (and free) meditation apps out there to help guide the process.  

7. Drink more water 

I can’t stress the importance of water enough. Over 60% of our bodies are made of water, we need to ensure we replenish it! 

You should drink between 6 and 8 glasses of water a day. 

8. Get good sleep (and enough of it)

Exercising, eating healthy, meditating and drinking water are all great ways to have a great night’s sleep. 

Lack of sleep leads to stress, weight gain and mood swings. 

Make sure you get between 6 and 8 hours of sleep a night. Deep breathing techniques can help you have a good night’s sleep.  

9. Listen to music

Music can boost your brain’s production of the happy hormone known as dopamine. This increased happiness production can help in relieving feelings of depression and anxiety.

So, the next time life feels a little crazy, put on some music (from classical to rock – whatever you fancy), and zone out the world for a little while. 

10. Remind yourself that you are incredible! 

Don’t forget just how amazing you are! 

You have accomplished great things in life and deserve to implement these simple self-care steps to help you lead a happier and healthier life. 

Do something right now that makes your heart happy. You deserve it. 


6 Incredible Health Benefits Of Laughter


When it comes to our health, laughter truly is the best medicine. 

One of the greatest feelings in the world is laughing so hard your tummy hurts and tears start to form in your eyes. Having a laugh with friends and loved ones is all the therapy you need after a stressful day. And as it turns out, according to science, laughter is so much more than just a mood booster. 

Laughter can bring people together and form amazing connections. From a little giggle to a ‘can’t breathe, deep-rooted down to your belly’ kind of laugh, it all helps to contribute to a happier and healthier life.

So, if you’re ready for a good giggle, let’s get to laughing, I mean learning…

1. Laughter can reduce blood pressure

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a negative side effect of an unhealthy lifestyle and stress. It is also a big risk factor for stroke and heart disease (yikes). 

But, when we laugh, we feel a weight lifted off of our shoulders. It’s pretty difficult to stress when you are laughing, am I right? 

Researchers wanted to know whether laughter could, in fact, bring down your blood pressure through investigating the effects of humour therapy. After extensive studies, they discovered that laughter significantly decreases high blood pressure. 

Because of these studies, this led to the creation of Laughter Yoga. This form of yoga initiates laughter through bodily exercise and eye contact to create a contagious kind of laughter. 

So the next time you are feeling stressed, overwhelmed and a little rundown, then pop on something funny, phone a friend, or join in on some laughter yoga and have a good giggle! 

2. Laughter can boost your immune system and improve your health

When the flu cold seasons hit, perhaps all you need is a shot of laughter…

A number of studies have found laughter to stimulate the production of T-cells in your body. These specialised immune cells help to fight off invading pathogens. 

Laughter allows for antibodies cells like the T-cells to develop at much faster rates, as these hormonal shifts from laughter change your body’s chemistry for the better. 

3. Laughter can help ease the effects of anxiety

Anxiety is something so many of us deal with on a daily basis. 

Many of us quietly suffer from overwhelming thoughts of self-doubt and stress. 

However, because laughter is able to reduce stress levels, this simultaneously reduces your anxiety. 

Studies conducted on Laughter Therapy found that it can improve anxiety in patients suffering from depression, improve optimism and boost your self-esteem. 

Overall, laughter was found to provide people suffering from anxiety and depression with a form of a positive coping mechanism to help you get through the difficult periods in your life. 

4. Laughter is a natural form of exercise 

The next time you want a great ab workout – have a laugh! 

Laughter is a natural way to exercise a number of muscle groups in your body

When you laugh, you use muscles to create the movement, laughter engages your diaphragm and your abdominal muscle groups. And depending on how hard you laugh, your arms, shoulders, back and legs might also get a bit of a workout too!

5. Laughter makes you feel great (and eases pain)! 

This is probably one of the most obvious benefits of laughter, but as it turns out, there is science to back this! 

Studies have shown that smiling or laughing can improve your mood and overall well-being through the release of endorphins. These are hormones are linked to an increased pain threshold, meaning laughter is a natural painkiller. 

Did you know that endorphins attach themselves to the same receptors in your brain’s as opiates, meaning that the release of endorphins is like a natural high, without the adverse side effects? This eases your mood, tension and any pain in your body. 

6. Laughter promotes creativity and healthier brain function

Laughter has a number of positive effects on the various chemical processes taking place in your body. 

With the combination of a reduction in stress hormones, an increase in endorphins and an increase in oxygenation to the blood and brain, this causes an increase in creativity. 

Because laughter improves your overall brain health, it means your creative mind can work more effectively as your brain is now a place where ideas can foster and grow! 

Something to giggle over…

In the spirit of laughter, our team at WellBe have put together some giggle-worthy healthy happy meals. These meals are designed to lift your spirits and naturally release your serotonin levels in your brain (the happy hormone). 

Click here to have a look and have a laugh over a deliciously healthy meal!