

2020 has served us up with a fair share of challenges. Who would’ve thought that we were going to have a global pandemic and be locked up inside for months on end – not me haha! As much as it’s been a trying time, we might’ve actually been able to come out of it with some lessons learned and a new perspective

One thing quarantine has done is it’s completely changed up our workout routines. No longer have we been able to visit our local gym and use all the equipment which we were used to using. Now we have been faced with the task to use our bodies and at home ‘equipment’ as a means to exercise. Which to many is not something they are used to doing. But maybe this challenge actually taught us how little we actually need?

I myself was used to using the cardio machines and weights during my workouts as well but I had to adapt during this time along with everyone else. This doesn’t mean I became limited it just means I became creative and had a plan in mind.

So what are my key tips for exercising effectively at home you ask?

Consistency is key

Oh yes, we’ve heard this one a million times but my goodness it’s true. If you want to continue to see results even when you are training from home you need to be consistent. Just like you would go to the gym for certain days of the week, you need to do the same at home and stick to it!

Live better

Create a new at-home routine

Just like you would usually follow a routine (eg. wake up, pack your food, go to gym, go to work etc) you need to continue to follow one at home. The moment you don’t set a time slot for your workout, the harder it becomes. Because we all know that excuse “Oh I’ll do It later” and then later comes and Netflix and chill sounds way better. Ya feel? 😉

There are endless amounts of exercises

 You may think you’d be way more limited but in all honesty, there are so many bodyweight exercises you can do (and hard ones at that) and there are so many items you can use in your house as ‘equipment’ for your workout (chair, filled water bottles, towels, backpacks, a bag of potatoes etc – you name it).

Have a workout space
Creating a space where you workout every day helps a lot. This can be seen as your place to get serious and your ‘me time’. The space doesn’t need to be big at all. Usually, the size of a yoga mat works perfectly fine. Try steer away from working out in a space that will distract you such as close to the TV or the fridge. 😉

Put on your workout clothes
Just like you would change to get ready for the gym, you must do the same at home. This tells your brain that it’s time to workout! Also, don’t give yourself enough time to think about it or convince yourself otherwise, change and get moving ASAP!

Music makes you move
I’m telling you if I put on some of my favourite upbeat music I already feel keener to get moving. Do the same at home to keep it interesting. Also, change up your playlist every now and again to keep it fun!

Have a plan
As we all know, when we don’t have a plan we tend to feel more overwhelmed and demotivated. Knowing what workout you are going to do every day definitely helps you with exercising at home. Our WellBe 12-Week Body Reboot Training Guide is perfect for this!

Eat well
If you fall off track with your eating you will naturally fall off track with your exercise routine too. Make sure you are eating healthy wholesome meals that leave you feeling full and satisfied. There are tons of incredible recipes in our WellBe 12-Week Body Reboot Nutrition Guide that will leave you feeling good and full of energy every day.

As much as going to the actual gym has its upsides, it’s not the be-all and end-all. I truly believe we already have what we need in order to get a great workout in – our bodies. I have come out of this understanding my body more than before and I have really realized that we really don’t need all the fancy extras.

To end off, here’s an at-home full-body workout that requires zero equipment:

  • 30 x squat to oblique twist
    • 10 x 4 mountain climbers to push up
    • 30 x side lunges (per side)
    • 15 x burpees
    • 20 x star jack-knives
    • 30 x jumping jacks


Let’s keep in touch:
Instagram and Facebook: @thelivelyfitnessgirl

