Now, you are probably thinking that bad habits entail smoking, eating too much or maybe gambling. But the thing is, bad habits go far beyond the stereotypical ones we all tend to focus on.

So many of us are guilty of bad habits. Maybe it’s overindulging in a little too much retail therapy (even when you already own 7 different pairs of boots in the same colour), maybe you are a procrastinator at work or maybe you spend the majority of your spare time on social media. No matter what your unhealthy habit is, we all have them.

Bad habits follow us around in our day-to-day life and they can take a toll on our physical and mental wellbeing. Without knowing it, your bad habit could be weighing you down in more ways than you realise. Draining your bank account, consuming your spare time or just making you unhappy.

However, it is possible to effectively bring an end to our bad habits. The trick is to replace them with good habits.

You don’t just erase a bad habit, you replace it with something better

According to an article written by James Clear (the man knows what he is talking about), the idea is to take something bad from your life and cultivate new practices that provide a similar benefit.

Let’s dig a little deeper into this way of thinking…

The thinking behind bad habits

Bad habits are pinpointed to two leading causes: stress and boredom. From smoking to splurging at the mall, bad habits stem from us trying to deal with our stress or boredom.

But, the trick is to teach yourself how to deal with these two factors in new and healthy ways.

For example, if smoking is your bad habit, then instead of trying to stop smoking cold turkey, you need to try and think of a healthy and productive replacement for smoking. This might be working out, practising deep breathing techniques, or really anything that works for you and stops you from picking up a cigarette.

Here’s how to effectively break your bad habits and replace them with healthy ones


1. Learn how to cope with stress better

According to an article in Time, the first step to breaking a bad habit is to sink your stress levels.

A number of bad habits, from smoking to sugar consumption, involve your brain’s reward system. Having a smoke or a slab of chocolate is recognised as a reward by our brains. This is a reason why we start to form these bad habits in the first place. Simply put – they feel good.

It’s easier to say no to a bad habit when we are in a happier state of mind. Our willpower is stronger when our mental and physical wellbeing is too. This means that the first step to breaking bad habits is to improve your overall wellbeing.

Some tactics include:

  • Getting enough sleep
  • Exercising regularly
  • Taking part in stress reduction techniques such as deep breathing, meditation and yoga

If you are lacking motivation or don’t know where to start, then we can help with personally designed wellness programs that really work.


2. Find your triggers and eliminate them

If eating a slab of chocolate every night is your guilty pleasure, then get rid of all the candy in your house. If smoking if your bad habit, then chuck out ashtrays and lighters that remind you of smoking.

Get rid of any triggers in your environment (like right now).


3. Find healthy substitutes for your bad habits

This involves thinking ahead of time as to what you will replace the bad habit with. You need to come up with a game plan and figure out how you will respond to moments of stress and boredom.

If you feel like you are procrastinating at work, then take up an online course or read an interesting article online instead of scrolling the Gram. If you feel the urge to have a sweet snack as a result of stress, why not go for a short walk instead or eat something healthier yet still delicious?

Practise deep breathing or healthy distractions when you feel like you might slip into a habit as a result of stress or boredom.


4. Visualise success and think positively

It comes down to the power of positive thinking.

Start by writing down a list of goals for yourself or a mantra.

It can be as simple as something along the lines of…

I am fit, filled with boundless energy and overcome my bad habits with ease and strength.


My mind is at peace in knowing I have the strength to overcome my bad habits.

Visualise yourself as a healthier and happier person for it and watch as your life starts to change around your positive way of thinking.

Wake up in the morning and visualise yourself crushing your bad habit, smiling as you do it and succeeding in your ability to do so.

Think positively

Did you know that negativity is also a form of a bad habit? Every time a negative thought comes into your mind, recognise it and then eliminate it with a positive one.

For example, if you start to think that you cannot overcome the need for a cigarette and you might as well just have one, then replace this thought with “I am strong and confident in my ability to overcome my bad habits” and take 5 deep breaths.

It’s really that simple.


5. Know that it’s okay to slip up

The first thing you need to keep in mind is that if you are trying to give up a bad habit, then you might hit a bump in the road from time to time. You need to plan for failure.

But, instead of beating yourself up, recognise your mistake and tell yourself you will do better next time and actually do it.


Where to from here?

We hope this list of tactics will help in putting you on the path to success in breaking a bad habit.

Remember to eliminate your cues, replace your bad habit with a good one, visualise success and think positively and know that it’s okay to fail.

What bad habit are you wanting to kick?


Have you lost your enthusiasm to exercise in the cold winter months? Well, you are not alone.

Staying productive and motivated during the frosty days of winter isn’t easy. We all know what it’s like, the temperature drops and so does our eagerness to get out and exercise.

We often find ourselves switching to mornings spent cuddled up with hot cocoa under the sheets and evenings snuggled in front of Netflix or our fireplace. Our morning workouts start to slip away, we have pressed snooze so many times we lost count and our evening exercise routines are no more. All we want to do is get home, get warm and stay that way.

Sound familiar?

Why it’s so hard to workout in winter

Well, for one, the cold weather isn’t exactly inviting now is it?

And secondly, once you start to skip a workout here and there, other aspects of your once healthy lifestyle often start to take a hit. It might be easier to grab some hot takeout as opposed to popping into the shops to get some groceries for dinner. When it’s cold, everything seems like an effort and we tend to slowly slip into ‘sloth’ mode. Too many skipped workouts and takeouts start to add up until eventually, we find ourselves in a slump. A ‘sloth’ mode slump, if you will.

Not exercising and not sticking to a healthy eating plan is a recipe for disaster as our nutrition and fitness have a profound effect on our lives.

That’s why we have put together this fitspired guide of 7 easy ways to regain (and keep) your motivation to exercise and get your health back in line.

1. Set goals and stick to them

Start with setting attainable goals. Perhaps you want to run a 5km without stopping to walk. Maybe you want to improve your lifestyle through healthy eating and exercising 3 times a week. The simpler the goal, the better.

Performance-focused goals are often better than aesthetic goals. So, instead of setting a goal to look a certain way, set a goal to do something fitness related like running a race or attending spinning classes twice a week or even sticking to a workout routine. That way you have something more tangible to work towards.

If you aren’t sure where to start, then get in touch with our team and we can help you set realistic goals and help you reach them.

2. Find simple ways to reach your goals

The moment you set your goals, then you need an action plan.

This could be developed with a personal trainer or a nutritionist. At Wellbe, we pride ourselves on helping our clients reach their goals through personally designed programs that actually work, are grounded in science and are delivered in a fun, approachable and lifestyle-focused ways.

To realistically reach your bigger goals, break them down into smaller ones. It can be as simple as eating more veggies every day, waking up when your alarm goes off (even if it is still dark outside) and skipping out on your weekly take out meal. Speaking of eating your vegetables, here’s a great recipe for healthy bell peppers.

Expert tip – Track your workouts. This way you can take notice of your day-to-day victories to keep you motivated.

3. Prep like the boss you are

We have all been there – we forget our gym shoes, forgot about the yoga class we booked, didn’t have time to make lunch at home so end up grabbing something unhealthy from the canteen or the fast-food place down the road at work.

Try to implement easy organisational tricks to make sticking to your goals and plan a whole lot easier.

Set aside your afternoon on a Sunday to meal prep.

Set reminders in your phone for workouts. And stick to them as best you can.

Pack your gym bag the night before and make sure you have everything in there for your workout (and pack something warm for after).

Scared to hit the gym? Have a look at our Girl’s Guide To Surviving The Weight Section.

4. Take care of yourself

Make sure you are well-fed (with healthy foods of course), worry-free and happy. This way you will feel more motivated to reach your goals.

Go to bed early and try to get at least 6 to 8 hours of GOOD, actually, GREAT sleep a night.

Have a long hot Epsom salt bath once or twice a week.

Spend time reading your book, in nature or watching your favourite series. Don’t forget to do things that make you happy.

Expert tip – Yoga and deep breathing are great ways to relieve stress. Have a look at this awesome Youtube Channel  – Yoga with Adriene.

5. Phone a friend

Schedule workouts with a friend. That way you can both motivate each other to get up and show up at workouts and fitness classes.

6. Keep things fresh

Routine can be a great way to get the best results, but it can become a bit monotonous at times. If your meal or fitness plans are getting a little boring, then try experimenting with new things.

Attend different fitness classes at the gym. If you have a personal trainer or Wellness Coach, then chat to them about how you can make your fitness plan more exciting.

So many people find that their meal plans start to get ‘tasteless’ over time. That’s because they don’t realise how many amazing and healthy food options there are out there. Have a look at these 12 Healthy Winter Recipes for some inspiration.

7. Be honest with yourself

Remember, your motivation comes from within. If you don’t feel like training or you are craving a cheat meal, then ask yourself why?

Maybe you had a bad day at work. Maybe you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed right now. Maybe you are trying to find an excuse? No matter what the answer is, don’t be afraid to be honest with yourself.

Sometimes a workout can make you feel better. And sometimes maybe you just need to take the day off and have a long bath and a warm dinner.

Just make sure you hit the gym tomorrow.

What it comes down to

The winter months might be long and cold, but there are simple and effective ways to find the motivation you are lacking to hit the gym, workout and stick to a healthy eating plan.

Remember to not be too hard on yourself. Do what you can with the time you have and know that your best is ALWAYS more than good enough.

Keep at it! You’re doing great.


So it turns out the secret of living really is giving and we have the research-backed reasons to prove it…

We all know how giving can help others, whether this is through offering emotional support, donating to charity or getting involved in some volunteer work. But studies have revealed that giving is also good for the giver – boosting your mental and physical health. Pretty great, right?

Did you know that when people give, the same part of your brain that lights up from feelings of reward or pleasure, lights up when you give to and help others? This is according to an article from Rush University. 

Keep reading to find out about the other incredible benefits linked to giving.

1.Helps you to live a longer life

You read that right – according to studies done, giving can, in fact, help you to live a longer and happier life. 

Giving provides people with a deeper sense of meaning in their lives. When you work toward a goal and feel as though you are making a positive impact on another person’s life, this has both physical and psychological benefits. Researchers have linked this sense of purpose to lower mortality rates. 

Moral of the story – the more you give the longer you live. 

2. Boosts your immune system 

By taking part in kind deeds, this will decrease your stress levels and improve your overall wellbeing. 

Think about the last time you helped someone out. Whether it was adopting a shelter dog or just taking a family member to the airport, you feel pretty great afterwards, right? Well, when we feel great our bodies respond in the best way possible by boosting our immune system. 

Studies have found that our T cell levels (which are these special immune system cells) increase in numbers when we give. This means we have a better system of defence against germs and even cancer because your immune system is able to fight off cancerous growths. 

3. Lowers your risk of depression

This might have a link to the positive feelings associated with acts of giving, but the fact remains, giving helps prevent depression and symptoms of depression, such as a lack of energy or sadness. 

A study found that giving helps you to have a greater sense of control in your life. 

Another research team discovered that those who have recently suffered the loss of a loved one recovered more quickly from their depressive state after taking parts in acts of giving and helping others. 

4. Relieves pain

As if the above benefits aren’t enough to make you want to call up your nearest community centre or a visit a family member you haven’t seen in ages, there’s more… 

Giving just keeps on ‘giving’ us more amazing benefits, and pain relief is another one. 

By taking part in acts of giving and kindness, this helps to suppress any physical pain you are experiencing through the release of endorphins. 

Fun fact – endorphins are also released when we exercise. They are basically our happy hormones and are a natural pain reliever. 

Endorphins interact with the receptors in your brain to help reduce your perception of pain and also trigger a happy and positive feeling in your body. 

Our little gift to you

In the spirit of giving, and from all of us at WellBe, have put together some delicious and healthy meals to share with your family and loved ones. Check them out by clicking on this link. 


At the mention of the word mindfulness, one automatically pictures a monk in a serene setting in total calmness. It could possibly be unimaginable to think that we could obtain that state of mind in the modern world. During our stressful lives, our attention is dispersed. We are managing the pressure of work, family life and social media leaving us feeling exhausted and, in some cases, burnt out at the end of each day.⁣

We get caught up in what we must do today and carry the burden of yesterday that we forget to stop and truly become aware of what is happening in the present moment and how it’s affecting us both physically and emotionally.
Mindfulness can be described as a life skill, which can deepen our sense of well-being and fulfillment. It’s the simple act of taking the time to pay attention to what is occurring in our present moment with openness and acceptance. It’s the time we take to check in with ourselves and to allow ourselves the space to be accepting of where we are at in this moment with compassion and love that will⁣
enable us to refill our cups to consciously live happier lives.⁣

Setting aside 1 minute every day to check in and truly absorb the present moment will not only allow us the space to breathe but also aid in shifting our level of consciousness as we go about our daily lives.
There are many ways that one can develop your Mindful minute of self-love. I love using the simple technique of breathing. Something we take for granted throughout our day. Breathing is our life force and more often than not a good indication of our present state.
For 1 minute a day, you can use the below breath guide to become aware of where you are at.⁣

Step 1:⁣
Find a comfortable space free from distraction.⁣

Step 2:⁣
Come to find a comfortable seat, allow your shoulders to move away from your ears as you lengthen your spine.⁣

Step 3:⁣
Gently become aware of your inhale and exhale. Without any judgement become aware of the nature and length of your inhale and exhale.⁣

Step 4:⁣
Now assign a count to your breath. Inhale for a count of 3 and exhale for a count of 3. Repeating for 3 cycles.⁣

Step 5:⁣
With every inhale become aware of thoughts and emotions and with every exhale let go of those thoughts gently allowing the mind to settle in this state of calmness.⁣

Step 6:⁣
Letting go of the count gently allow the breath to return to normal. Become aware once again of your surroundings as you resume your daily tasks. Remember that the very act of self-love is giving ourselves what we need to be happy and healthy beings.⁣

WellBe Company


How many times has this happened to you…

It’s been a long and tough day at work. Nothing sounds better than going home and nose-diving onto your couch where you’ll likely (most definitely) spend the rest of your day feet up and binge-watching your current guilty pleasure on Netflix. Just when you think you might cave, your willpower kicks in and you somehow manage to convince yourself to go to the gym for a stress-busting sweat-inducing workout instead – damn you Discovery Vitality! You’re dressed, sweat towel in hand and earphones blasting the latest T Swift tunes (don’t even try to deny it). You walk over to the workout section. You look left, right. There are people everywhere, swarming like a sweaty hive of bees. And there’s not a free piece of equipment in sight.


It’s because of moments like these that I swear I have Pre-Gym Anxiety Disorder (or PGAD if you will).

But no stress. We at WellBe have put together this killer workout that will give you all the burn in just 10 moves. Best part? All you need is a barbell.

Download Workout

WellBe Diet Strategy


I’m sure you were hoping I’d start explaining this magical diet, probably containing kale or some gag-worthy detox tonic, which will guarantee a slimmer and trimmer you in just 2 weeks! Am I right?

Unfortunately, as much as we’d all like to believe there is a unicorn-diet out there that could deliver on these promises, the hard reality is that there just isn’t. When it comes to dieting or exercise, anything that sounds extreme or too good to be true, most probably is and most probably should be avoided at all costs. These extreme approaches are termed “fad diets” and they’re downright dangerous for you. They perpetuate destructive restriction and binge cycles that by the end of it, leave you fatter, frustrated and more disillusioned than when you started.

When it comes to nutrition and training there is no “one-size-fits-all”, no perfect program. What works for one person may not necessarily work for you, and that doesn’t mean one way is better or worse than the other. So next time you’re looking to weed out the fads diets from the truly healthy changes, ask yourself the following 5 questions:


1. Does it fit my lifestyle?

If you’re a professional athlete, a busy student or a desk-bound businessman/woman, your diet must adapt to and complement your lifestyle, not the other way around.


2. Is it something I can adhere to on a consistent basis?

If you can’t stomach rich, high-fat foods, stop trying to force yourself to be a “banter”. If you can’t stand the taste of kale, stop trying to survive on green juices. The nutrition choices you make need to align with your own personal food preferences and become habits that unconsciously form part of your everyday eating.


3. Will it help you achieve your desired results without forcing you to go to extreme measures?

Where most people go wrong is they try doing too much too soon. They drop calories, cut out certain food groups, go cold-turkey on all the foods they crave and although initially see results, inevitable the unsustainability of the diet catches up with them and they rebound. Small, manageable baby-steps in the right direction is all it takes.


4. Does it allow you to incorporate the foods you enjoy eating? (In moderation of course!)

I refuse to live in a world where I’m told I can’t ever eat bread or chocolate again. You don’t have to ban or demonize the foods you love- rather learn smart ways to fit them into your life and enjoy them mindfully.


5. Can you see yourself maintaining this for weeks, months and years down the line?

If you’re thinking of this as a sprint- you’ve lost already. You need to think of this as a permanent lifestyle change. So if your current diet is giving you commitment phobia, that’s a sure sign to get out now.

There are pros and cons to every type of nutrition program. The sooner you stop giving into the ridiculous “quick-fix” fads out there and find out what type of nutrition program you can enjoy adhering to the most, the sooner you’ll set yourself up not only to successfully lose weight, but keep it off too.


WellBe Company


Who doesn’t love a good “Girl’s Night Out”? Drinks… friends… memories you do (or maybe don’t) remember. But all too often we find ourselves using one too many tequila shots as an excuse to make poor food (and life) decisions. Fun-filled nights turn into mornings of regret and guilt when we see the evidence of the late night fast food binge littered on our bedroom floor. But this doesn’t need to be the case. With just a few small smart tweaks, you can feel great all night long and help stave off the post party boozy-blues the next day.

Let’s set the scene.

You’ve organized a long overdue girl’s night out with 5 friends this Friday. You’re notorious for going all out when you’re together and you’re no stranger to 24 hour hangover recovery turnaround times either…

It’s 5am on Friday morning and instead of hitting the “snooze” button one or 6 times, you get dressed and head off to the gym.

Getting an early morning workout in first thing will not only raise your feel-good endorphin levels, but also help boost your metabolism and pre-burn off some of those liquid calories you intend on consuming later. During your workout, make sure to maintain a high-intensity tempo to keep your heartrate high and target large muscle groups like your legs and back to maximize the potential calorie burn. Think supersets, circuit training and lots and lots of sweat.

If ever there’s a day to hit your water goals, it’s today.

Those frequent bathroom trips and hours spent standing in the line for the ladies’ loo aren’t a coincidence. Alcohol is a diuretic and often leaves a person in a mild state of dehydration following a night out drinking. Make sure to consume 500ml-1L more liquid than you would normally, either in the form of plain water, calorie free flavoured drink options or herbal teas.

*Health hack- Herbal teas, such as green tea, have been shown to promote liver health and wellbeing and is a great and tasty way to potentially help buffer the negative effects of alcohol consumption on the body.

Your typical Friday croissant or muffin fix for breakfast just won’t cut it.

If you know you’re going to be going out in the evening, a safe general nutrition strategy is to make food and meal choices that are high in micronutrients but lower in calories. This allows you to “bank” a few extra calories for the evening when you need them most. Processed and highly refined foods, such as pastries, are calorie-dense food options that spike your insulin levels and inevitably leave you feeling low and sluggish. Opt for a well-balanced and nutritious start to your morning with an oat, frozen berry and whey protein smoothie, poached eggs and avocado on rye toast or a small bowl of gut-friendly Greek yogurt, fruit and a sprinkling of raw muesli and seeds.

Crunchy water is your snack food BFF.

Regular alcohol consumption can hamper your body’s immune system and wreak havoc with your hormones. Raw fruit and vegetables are nutritional powerhouses packed full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which act to counteract some of these negative effects. If that wasn’t enough, they’re also naturally high in water and fibre, meaning they can help you stay hydrated and feeling fuller for longer. Pair sliced apple or vegetable crudités with unsweetened nut butter and hummus respectively and you have the perfect healthy go-to snack.

“Kankles” are never a good look.

Sitting for prolonged periods of time, such as at your desk at work, can lead to poor circulation and subsequently promote water retention in the feet and ankles. Be sure to take frequent breaks to go walk around. Better yet, take a stroll outside during lunch time so you can soak up some mood-boosting Vitamin D, work on a light sun-kissed glow and brainstorm your outfit for the evening.

*Just some woman to woman advice- take full advantage of “casual Fridays” and use it as an opportunity to wear flats or pumps to work. This way you spare your feet for the killer heels you plan on wearing tonight.

Speaking of lunch…

Keep it light and simple. Choose a lean protein option such as grilled chicken or lean beef and pair it with a couscous and roast vegetable salad, or bundle it up in a lettuce or small whole wheat salad wrap.

Hellooo Happy Hour!

But first, don’t forget to eat dinner. Like, actual dinner. We’ve all made the mistake of going out drinking on an empty stomach. And it never ends well. Without a decent meal in your stomach, any alcohol consumed quickly diffuses into your blood stream and it’s always a slippery (often blurry) slope down from there. Try to consume a protein and healthy fat-based meal before drinking. This will help reduce muscle protein breakdown and, due to the delay in gastric emptying, both these nutrients can naturally control the rate at which your body absorbs alcohol. A great option is salmon, or any oily fish of choice, paired with a small serving of green vegetables and brown rice or quinoa.

*Health hack- Squeeze over some fresh lemon or lime to add a citrusy zing to your meal as well as help alkalise the body. For additional liver support, a milk thistle supplement can also be used which has been shown to help ameliorate the acute negative effects of alcohol ingestion.

Shaken, not stirred.

Simply put, alcohol is viewed as a toxin by your body. As alcohol is consumed, the metabolism of protein, carbs and most importantly, fat are all put on hold, and the focus of the body is turned to metabolizing and getting rid of the newly introduced alcohol as quickly and efficiently as possible. In short what this means is that while drinking, your body’s ability to burn fat is hindered and fat storing capability is increased. This a double-whammy for the bikini body department. Sugary alcoholic drinks and fizzy mixers can exponentially increase the calorie damage of any drink choice. Instead, for a more figure-friendly option, go for wine (sparkling or dry white being the lowest in calories) or choose drinks neat, over ice or use sparkling water or sugar free drinks as mixers.

Pick your poison, carefully.

Whiskey, cognac and tequila are known to contain higher amounts of congeners. Congeners are naturally occurring toxic products found in alcohol and have been shown to result in more intense and frequent hangovers than clearer spirits such as vodka, gin or white rum.

I’ll have one extra-large pizza with a side of regret, please.

We all know that stop off at the nearest fast-food restaurant on the way back home from a night out all too well. And it’s this often >1000 calorie meal that is the main culprit for the scale going up. If you need to pick up something on the way home, make it something high in protein and try go for the “realest” food option on the menu. Better yet, make sure you have healthy and delicious leftovers ready and waiting to be heated up in the microwave for when you get home. My go-to? A steamy bowl of lean beef or chicken meatballs in a tomato and garlic sauce.

One last night cap?

You’re exhausted and are about to fall face first into bed. Hopefully you’ve been alternating between alcohol and water throughout the night, but if you forgot to properly hydrate, have some coconut water (or any available electrolyte supplement) before bed, ideally with a pinch of salt. The potassium and sodium will you’re your body rehydrate and is a great tasting way to prevent a hellish hangover in the morning.

So… brunch?

Sleep deprivation will only make you feel worse the next day, so don’t feel bad about getting in some extra recovery Z’s. Make sure your first meal of your day pack’s a protein punch (eggs are always a winner) to kick start your metabolism again. Pair your breakfast with a fresh green juice (no not a Bloody Mary) to flood your body with some much needed nutrients and water and get you psychologically feeling good again. If you’re up for it, get your body going too with some yoga, walk or a light run outside.

Round two anyone?



HIIT and LISS are acronyms for High-Intensity Interval Training and Low-Intensity Steady State respectively. They are two commonly used cardio styles and differ greatly in both practical application and physical effects.

HIIT consists of short, all-out sprint intervals alternated with periods of low-intensity recovery periods. An example would be a 30 second 100% effort sprint followed by a 1-2 minute steady pace walk, repeated 10 times (think sweat, LOTS of sweat). LISS, on the other hand, would involve a constant low-to-moderate paced walk, jog or bike ride at an intensity level that still raises your heat rate but allows for casual conversation.

HIIT, like weight training, is a form of anaerobic exercise, meaning it burns glucose for energy without oxygen being present. During bouts of HIIT training, your body’s fuel burning systems are put under a lot of stress. In order to meet the energy demands you are putting your body under, your body responds in two ways, 1) by increasing the activity of fat-burning enzymes to help free up available energy and 2) by increasing the mitochondrial capacity in your muscles. Mitochondria are the energy-producing units of your body. HIIT thus signals to your body to increase the total mitochondrial density in your muscles, meaning you have more fat-burning units at your disposal.  All of these metabolic adaptations have a cascading and synergistic effect, resulting in enhanced metabolic and fat loss activity over time.

What this means in real-life is that by doing HIIT your body is becoming more physically efficient and effective at turning on and utilizing its fat burning mechanisms and that this fat loss process is not only kept elevated for hours after your training has ended- termed the “afterburn” effect- but rather that these fat-burn changes are stable and lasting.

In contrast, due to the lower-intensity nature of LISS, this cardio strategy does not pose this same metabolic strain, thus limiting its fat burn potential to solely those minutes (or hours) you actively spend at the gym. Your body also has the tendency to adapt quickly to LISS exercise, meaning you will eventually burn fewer and fewer calories following the exact same cardio workout. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that you should ditch LISS cardio all together. LISS cardio has many heart-protective and general health-promoting effects that should not be ignored (I personally find it quite therapeutic going for long runs or walks every week). All I’m saying is that slaving away for hours every day on a treadmill or bike hoping to see the physical results you want is not the best approach to cardio if your goal is fat loss.

So who wins? Well if your goal is to lean down and get fit fast- HIIT is your best cardio investment strategy that will ensure you get more burn-for-your-buck in return.

Happy sweating!