

We all know that incorporating exercise into our lifestyle is beneficial; but this does not change the fact that many of us do not feel motivated to be active. Exercise starts off as a discipline, that eventually turns into a habit. Initially it can be challenging to stick to your routine, but the more you commit, the easier it becomes. In this article we explore the benefits of living an active life and we explore the different kinds of exercise to help you find the type of exercise that will best serve you. 

Benefits of Living an Active Life 

Exercise has both physical and mental benefits. Not only does it build muscle, maintain weight, or encourage weight loss, but it also affects our brain positively

Brain Benefits 

  1. Reduces stress
  2. Improves memory 
  3. Reduces depression (increases serotonin) 
  4. Lowers anxiety 

Physical Benefits 

  1. Lowers risk of chronic diseases (heart disease, diabetes)
  2. Lowers blood cholesterol and blood pressure
  3. Develops stronger bones and muscles 
  4. Assists with weight loss 


Exercise has numerous benefits for our overall health, and one way to maintain your exercise regime is to find a type of exercise that you enjoy. Trying to commit to something you hate is a lot more challenging and increases your chance of giving up. 

Get Fit

Types of Exercise: Finding your Niche 

Exercise should be a lifestyle, not an event. It is therefore important for you to find an activity that you enjoy – this way, exercise becomes something you look forward to, rather than something that you do because of a specific outcome e.g. weight loss. 

There are many types of exercise, and depending on your interests, availability, and access, you may opt for different forms: 


  • HIIT Training

HIIT training stands for High Intensity Interval Training. It alternates between short intense anaerobic exercise with less intense recovery periods. For example, TABATA, which is 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest interval. It is great for individuals who only have 30 minutes to squeeze in a training session. It is a form of cardio training and is effective in burning fat and calories. 

  • Cardiovascular Training 

Cardiovascular training is any type of exercise that leads to a sustained rise in heart rate throughout the exercise duration. For example: swimming, running, and cycling. This type of exercise is generally sustained for a longer period of time than a HIIT workout. 


  • Yoga 

Yoga is a form of neuromotor training – it involves balance, agility, and coordination. It is important to improve posture, decrease risk of injury and reduce stress and inflammation. Yoga is a great way to build muscle and it is less intense on the body than activities such as running and HIIT. 

  • Gym classes 

A lot of individuals benefit from exercising with others. When it is a social event, they are more likely to commit and enjoy themselves. Gyms offer numerous classes such as spinning and Zumba which allow for an interactive exercise routine. 

  • Pilates 

Pilates is a low-impact activity that focuses on flexibility, muscular strength, endurance movements and core strength. It emphasizes proper postural alignment, core strength and muscle balance.

  • Team Sports

Many people enjoy exercise when it is in the form of team sports. Joining a hockey team or soccer club creates a community and your commitment to the sport increases. The enjoyment of the game is the primary focus and the health benefits are secondary. It becomes a social activity and often not seen as a challenge like going for a run alone. 

As you can see, there are numerous ways to reap the rewards of exercise and any form of movement is better than none. Remember, exercise should be a part of your lifestyle, not an event. It is therefore important for you to find an activity that you enjoy – this way, exercise becomes something you look forward to, rather than something that you do because of a specific outcome e.g. weight loss. 

Boost Your Mood


It’s normal to start feeling your energy levels drop throughout the day. Most tend to feel sluggish, fatigued and slow by early afternoon. The good news is that there are some small but really effective practices that you can put in place every day to renew your energy. 

That’s why, in this week’s blog, we give you our top helpful, healthy habits that will 

reignite your energy levels and re-energize your mind and body so that you can be your most productive self every day.

Energy-boosting habits 

A lack of energy could significantly affect your ability to perform basic daily activities, as well as noticeably affect your productivity at work. That’s why it’s really important to identify the source that’s draining your energy and develop small changes in your everyday habits to fix this. So, here are our top pick-me-up tips that are proven to work:

1. Pay attention to how you fuel your body

Eating clean isn’t just about looking good. Remember, the food we put into our body acts as our primary energy source for the day. The fact is that not all foods will fuel your body equally. The type of food you eat in particular plays an essential role in determining your energy levels during the day. The right food contains nutrients that could help increase your energy levels and better maintain alertness and focus throughout the day.

After all, nutrition is the key to a healthy mind and a healthy body. So, it’s only natural that heart whole-foods will equip you with a long-lasting energy source, while refined, junk-foodie meals will leave you feeling unfulfilled and sluggish.

For example, a simple banana could be considered a superfood when it comes to boosting your energy and alertness. It’s an excellent source of complex carbs, potassium, and vitamin B6 – all of which can help boost your energy levels. These essential minerals and vitamins are all needed to keep your energy and your immunity strong. 

2. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep

The reality is that we just can’t function at our full capacity without having an optimal number of hours of sleep every night (most experts say that’s around 7 to 9 hours a night). That’s because sleep is the key ingredient when it comes to keeping us healthy and functioning well. Sleep lets your body and brain repair, restore, and re-energize itself every night, so that you wake up refreshed and ready to tackle a new day in the morning.

Mounting evidence even suggests exhaustion and sleep deprivation can severely impede your productivity, with one study of 4,188 workers citing that those who didn’t get enough sleep every night had “significantly worse productivity, performance, and safety outcomes”at work.

Not only that, but individuals who fail to get enough sleep every night are also more prone to depression, weight gain, lower immunity and impaired thinking. So, maybe it’s a good idea to skip that last episode of Nailed It tonight and turn the lights out early. 

3. Drink more water

If you’re dehydrated, the chances are you’ll have far less energy than those around you. Simple things such as staying awake at your office desk or making good on your promise to go to the gym after work might seem impossible, and strenuous exercise will seem like a mountain of a challenge.

Many studies have shown that dehydration lowers energy levels, impedes athletic performance and causes individuals to feel sluggish and off their game throughout the day. 

That’s why drinking water is the ultimate health hack. Upticking your water intake will not only renew your energy levels, but it will also improve your memory and mood, increase your weight loss and give your skin a healthier glow.

Boost Your Mood

4. Boost your mood

We know that sometimes your day can feel like it’s super-packed, not-stop busy. It might feel like you don’t have a single moment to spare to eat, sleep or breathe. That’s why it’s important to make the most of every hour in the day and develop habits that will help you to be as productive as possible. 

Taking an hour out of your day for self-care might seem counterintuitive at first. It’s difficult to allow yourself to step away from your work when there’s competing deadlines and clients emailing you 24/7. But it’s time to lose the guilt and make way for your own self-care every day.

By simply devoting an hour a day to any activity that will help will boost your mood, you’ll end up banking more productive hours in the long run. Studies show that self-care improves productivity and helps to break the cycle of feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and disinterested in your work.

Start by committing to waking up early in the morning to meditate or go for a run, or set aside an hour in the afternoon for any type of exercise, meditation, yoga. Even just a stroll outside will help change the way you tackle the day and renew your motivation for the tasks ahead of you. While it’s not always easy to implement new habits (some say it takes up to 21 days of repeating a habit for it to stick) it will be well worth it in the long run.

Staying energized with WellBe 

Here at WellBe&Co, we believe that better health starts with better habits. That’s why we’ve introduced our 12-week body reboot training guide to give you a step-by-step roadmap towards living a more happy, healthy and energy-filled life. This workout and training guide is the best way to boost your energy, get those endorphins flowing and help you stay more motivated everyday.

You won’t find any excessively restrictive, bogus claim, too good to be true fad here. Our mission is to debunk these many false health and fitness myths and help empower people to live at their best life, on their own terms.

When it comes to eating clean, we’ve got you covered too. Our nutrition and recipe guide will equip you with the most up-to-date nutrition, training and supplement advice tailored to your individual needs, goals and personal preferences. View your plan, track your progress and stay motivated by using our downloadable WellBe Health App.

Pssst: Did you know that, if you buy both guides together in the month of September only, you’ll save R150. You’ll also save an additional R100 when purchasing both plans together if you use the promo code WELLBE100. Isn’t that great?

So, what are you waiting for? Become a proud member of the WellBe family today to start making lasting changes, one habit at a time.






A one-pan wonder, this sticky chicken recipe is packed with good-for-you ingredients. This recipe maximises on flavour and doesn’t compromise on health benefits. Feel free to add more


1 tbsp sesame oil
2 onions, diced
4-6 chicken breasts or thighs
2 sliced picante or bell peppers
4 tbsp soy sauce
1 cup chicken broth
2 tbsp honey
¼ cup orange juice
3 sprigs rosemary
2 cups of chopped baby marrows


Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Heat olive oil in a pot over medium heat. Sauté onion, picante peppers, and chicken pieces until lightly browned and transfer to a casserole dish. Mix sauce by combining soy sauce, orange juice, honey, salt, pepper, and chicken broth in a bowl. Pour over. Add fresh rosemary, and chopped baby marrows. Toss together and bake for 40 minutes. Serve with brown rice or wholewheat couscous.

Download Your Sticky One Pan Chicken Bake Recipe Here






A plant-based version of the traditional cottage pie, yet just as comforting and delicious. Perfect to warm you up and a wholesome #meatfree family meal.


2 cans lentils, drained
1/2 punnet mushrooms, rinsed and sliced
2 carrots, grated
1 onion, diced
1 tbsp olive or coconut oil
1 can chopped tomato
2 tbsp tomato puree
½ tsp basil
½ tsp salt
½ tsp pepper
400-500 g sweet potato chunks
½ cup nut or coconut milk of choice
¼ cup grated vegan cheese or nutritional
yeast (optional)
Fresh parsley


Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Boil or steam sweet potatoes until soft and mash with milk. While sweet potatoes are cooking, heat olive oil in a pot over medium heat. Add mushrooms, carrots and onions, season with salt and pepper and saute until lightly golden. Add the lentils and chopped tomato to the same pan and simmer for 5 min. Add tomato puree, basil, salt, and pepper. Stir over medium heat and allow to simmer for a few more minutes. Add lentils to a baking dish and top with mashed sweet potato. Sprinkle with grated vegan cheese or nutritional yeast. Bake for 30-40 min until golden on top. Garnish with fresh parsley.

Download Your Lentil Sweet Potato Cottage Pie Recipe Here



WellBe Fitness


The trial month of 2020 is over and as we wave goodbye to January, it’s time to remember those resolutions before they become a distant memory. Now that the January excitement has died down, the gym won’t be as busy and you can now establish a fitness plan (and stick to it).

A fitness plan doesn’t mean spending 3 grueling hours at the gym every single day with one of those hours devoted to the treadmill. A fitness plan needs to be something you’re excited about and motivated to keep up with, that’s how to remain consistent. 

No matter your goals or the plan you decide to use, 2020 is definitely the year for you to smash some goals!

Why you need a fitness plan

We’ve all seen the fitness fanatics on Instagram who love to sell their online fitness plans and as much as they try and force you to believe that you simply cannot workout without one – there is a little method behind the madness. 

Having a plan means you’re more likely to stick to something and you’re more likely to succeed. 

Firstly, I think it is amazing that you’ve made the decision to get active and well done for taking that first step but failing to have a plan when starting a new lifestyle can result in burnout from lack of results. In the end, you’re more likely to quit so it’s time to change the narrative you’ve grown used to. 

How to establish a fitness plan

First things first, we are not here to tell you what to do, you need to find exactly what works for you, this is just a guide to get you started and remind you that having a plan is the key to success. 


WellBe Fitness

1. Be realistic with your scheduling

We would all love it if we could workout every single day for over an hour but at the end of the day, for most of us, this isn’t possible. 

I remember when I was in university, I found it so easy to make it to the gym but as life goes on, we get busier and our schedules quickly fill up with meetings, deadlines, projects and commitments (social or otherwise). 

Which is why it is essential to create a schedule that you can stick to so start out with fewer days and gradually increase them as you develop a new routine or simply keep it to 2-3 days a week and move it around to suit you. 

It is YOUR schedule and you don’t need to feel guilty about it. 

2. Find something you enjoy

Standing in the weights section at the gym isn’t for everyone – and that’s okay! If you want to master the weight section though, this could help you.

Start trying different things out and see what works for you. Go for a run, join a yoga or boxing class or sign up for the gym. If you find something you hate, move on from it, there is no correct way to exercise and if you do something you hate, you’re more likely to give it up because let’s be honest, I’d rather lay on the couch than endure an hour and a half of running.  

3. Set goals

Your goals don’t have to be based on appearance (although they certainly can be, if that’s what you’re looking for). Exercise is wonderful for both your mental and physical health too.

Take a step back and identify what you want to gain from becoming more active and write them down. Make sure you refer back to these goals every now and then to make sure you’re staying on track and just to give yourself a little reminder of what you want to achieve.

4. Start slow

One mistake you can make is going too hard on your first day. Getting active is exciting and you might want to jump in full force but by going too hard too soon, you risk injuring yourself or making your muscles so stiff that you wouldn’t want to do it again!

5. Give yourself a break

Perfection doesn’t exist and it’s so easy to get swept up in everyday life and end up missing a day or two. It’s perfectly normal and doesn’t mean you’ve failed.

All you need to do is make up for it the next time you can fit a workout in. 

6. Get an accountability buddy

You might be motivated to workout but actually doing it can be a little difficult (we know the struggle). This is when having an accountability buddy comes in handy! Find a friend or family member that you can rely on to help keep you motivated and ready to smash your goals. You both can help one another make it to the gym more often than not. 

This is merely a little plan to help get you started, once you’ve figured out the above, it’s time to plan your workout routines (you can look here for some inspiration!). 

Getting out of the mindset of what society deems necessary and remembering your capable of anything you set your mind to is the beginning to a successful fitness routine that you can stick to! 

Oh, and by the way, if you want a 12-week training plan that really works, then have a look at our Better Body Blueprint. It’s packed with healthy and simple meals, effective workouts and tried and tested advice.