Between trying to balance a busy home life with the never-ending demands of the world of work, it can be hard to find time in the day to take care of your own mental health and well-being. 

That’s why, in this week’s blog, we go over our top tips for embracing self-awareness through regular meditation and developing better emotional wellness by taking time to practice mindfulness every day.

We also give you a go over a quick and simple, five-minute meditation session that is perfect for stress relief where you’re short on time.

What is meditation? 

Meditation is the habitual practice of training your mind to build better focus, redirect your thoughts and improve your own emotional awareness. This ancient wellness practise focuses on training awareness, attention, and compassion while trying to achieve a state of mental clarity and emotional calmness.

What most people don’t know is that there are actually many different styles of meditation, and each practice requires a different skillset and mindset. The two major styles of mediations include:

  1. Focused-attention meditation: 

This style of meditation aims to focus your attention on a single thought, object or visualization in order to clear your mind of any disturbances or distractions. This could involve repeating a particular mantra or focusing on a specific breathing pattern. 

  1. Open-monitoring meditation:

This type of meditation is all about broadening your awareness as a whole while taking in every aspect of your environment. The idea is to become more aware of the thoughts, feelings and sensations around you which you may usually try to suppress or skip over in the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

The benefits of meditation

Meditation is something everyone can do to improve their mental and emotional health, and the practice has been successfully used for many years to help people increase awareness of both their inner selves and their surroundings. 

Individuals who are able to effectively enter a meditative stage are able to use this practice to develop a more outlook on life, elevate their mood and improve their self-discipline – but research shows that the benefits of meditation extend past just basic self-awareness and a better sense of clarity.

Here are just a few of the ways in which developing a daily meditation routine will benefit you:

  1. It will reduce your stress and anxiety 
  2. It will calm your nervous system (since meditation has been proven to be a very effective way to bring your brain waves into a deeply calm and relaxed state)
  3. It will promote better emotional health and self-awareness 
  4. It will improve your attention span and concentration
  5. It will help reduce any memory loss 
  6. According to some research, it will help you manage symptoms of all kinds of conditions such as asthma, chronic pain, depression, high blood pressure, sleep problems and tension headaches.


Meditation basics 

How to manage your breathing 

Most people think that there must be a certain technique to breathing right when it comes to meditation but, in actual fact,  most meditation experts recommend that you allow your body to breathe naturally. After all, the whole point of mindfulness and meditation is to cultivate awareness and find a sense of peace.

That being said, there are a few tips and tricks that will help you hone your focus and really immerse yourself in that meditative stage. Experts recommend that you take several deep breaths before you start, as well as to focus on breathing in through your nose and breathing out through your mouth until you find a comfortable rhythm.

Keeping a clear head 

It’s completely normal to feel your mind wondering when you first start your meditation journey. The important thing to remember is that it will always take a bit of time to get comfortable with being alone with your thoughts when you first get started, and there’s no rush to achieve a certain level of clarity and stillness immediately. 

The reality is that meditation is not about stopping your thoughts completely. Instead, it’s about learning how to observe your thinking while managing feelings of restlessness and anxiety in order to find some stillness in the moment. 

Remember, there might be some setbacks along the way, but it’s important to recognize that this is just a part of your meditation journey. 

A quick 5-minute meditation routine for stress relief  

Gaining a new perspective when it comes to stressful situations can be as simple as dedicating just five minutes a day to sitting down and taking some time to improve your mindfulness through meditation.

The great thing about meditation is that it really can be done anywhere, and it doesn’t require any specialized equipment or space. 

How to get started:

  1. Find a place on the floor or at your desk chair to sit upright in a relaxed, comfortable position. 
  2. Take time to notice how you’re feeling and acknowledge any emotions or sensations that you may be experiencing at the time.
  3. Actively relax your body and feel the weight of it sink into the floor or your chair. 
  4. Take a second to notice your own breathing pattern and slowly breathe deeply in and out through your nose and mouth until you are comfortable.
  5. Now, take five minutes to sit in stillness and reflect. Remember to be kind to your wandering mind as you take on this new practice. 

While five minutes can feel like a short amount of time, taking a moment to separate yourself from the constant busyness and distraction of the world we live in today can dramatically improve your ability to cope with stress, increase your focus and improve your productivity — as well as enable you to be more fully present during the rest of your activities throughout the day.

Some other handy tips: 

If your work or home environment has too many distractions to allow for a peaceful, quiet surrounding, consider participating in a group meditation class over the weekend. This can improve your chance of successfully mastering meditation as you’ll have the guidance of a seasoned instructor to assist you during your learning journey, as well as the additional support of an entirely new community.

Alternatively, consider setting your alarm a few minutes early to take advantage of some quiet time in the morning. This may help you develop a more consistent habit and allow you to set the tone for the day so that you can tackle every task further with a more positive attitude.

Holistic, healthy living with WellBe

This November, we’re zoning-in on the theme of focus, mental wellness and mindfulness. 

Here at WellBe, we want to give you the right tools to strengthen your mind and your body and to start building a healthy balanced lifestyle for yourself.

That’s why we’ve developed our two new 12-week nutrition and training guides to help you live every day with a clear intention to get closer to achieving your goals and living a life that is centred around healing, health and happiness. 

Our easy-to-implement, lifestyle-focused nutrition, training and health solutions are fun, simple and the perfect way to improve your mental focus and renew your motivation for the week ahead with a variety of healthy, balanced meal plans and killer workout routines.


Want to know more? Check out our Instagram page or contact one of our friendly WellBe team members for more information today.



Let’s face it, it’s been almost 8 months of COVID-19 restrictions and we’re all feeling a little burnt-out by now. Although the country has moved down to lockdown level one, the threat of COVID-19 is still very real and most of us are still working, studying and going about most of our daily activities from home while we try to adhere to social-distancing guidelines.

It’s easy to feel your energy levels drop when you’re stuck in the same routine every day, and it’s fair to say that the ongoing anxiety surrounding COVID-19 has taken its toll on our mental health, energy levels and all-around motivation. 

That’s why in this week’s blog we go over our top 5 tips for renewing your mental energy, boosting your motivation and bringing more balance into your life every day.

How to regain focus and re-ignite your energy 

Getting motivated

1. Get some more sunlight

It’s easy to slip into the lockdown slump when you’re eating, sleeping, working, and relaxing inside the house every day. During lockdown a lot of people have slipped into ‘hibernation mode’, and aside from the rare bit of exercise or the occasional walk in the park, it’s safe to say that we’ve all become house hermits during these last few months.

Getting out of the house and enjoying the beauty of a bright sunny day is not only a great way to boost your mood, but it’s also an important part of helping your body to produce its much-needed vitamin D – an extremely essential vitamin that has powerful effects on several systems throughout your body.

Vitamin D is a vital part of maintaining a  strong  immune system, keeping feelings of fatigue at bay and helping you maintain higher energy levels and better focus throughout the day. 

2. Practice mindfulness 

When it comes to renewing your motivation and getting ready to face the week ahead, there’s no better mood-booster than putting mindful habits into practice

Whether it’s setting aside some time to sit quietly and enjoy the stillness of the morning or coming home for a long day of work to some yoga or journaling, any part of the day that you can dedicate to self-reflection and stillness is an essential part of maintaining a more balanced life. Meditation, journaling and other mindful-based techniques have been shown to significantly lower stress and restore emotional balance. 

Remember, the key to forming healthy, mindful habits is to give yourself the freedom to pick and choose which methods work best for you. Some days completing an entire yoga routine and mediation session might just seem like too big of a feat. On days like that, it’s okay to come home from a long day of work and simply do 10 minutes of calming breathing exercises to re-centre your focus and renew your energy

The bottom line is that mindfulness is a moment-by-moment awareness of your thoughts, your feelings and the current sensations surrounding you. The idea is to allow these thoughts and feelings to come and go, without judgement or feeling the need to do anything with them.

3. Fuel your body with healthy foods 

Maintaining focus and concentration throughout your day is imperative to improving your productivity, but most of us tend to forget that food is a major contributor to how we feel throughout the day. If you don’t fuel your brain with the proper nutrients, the chances are that you’ll start to feel a range of symptoms that reflect this deficiency – such as  memory problems, fatigue and concentration problems.

From starting the day with a healthy, filling breakfast to pre-prepping hearty meals for the day ahead, eating well can set the tone for your week. Eating well has been shown to improve short-term memory and attention, as well as improve all-around brain function and focus. Studies even show that students who eat brains-fueling foods such as high-fiber whole grains, vegetables and fruits tend to perform better than those who don’t. 

4. Increase motivation by giving yourself a break 

It’s been a long year and, sometimes, the only way to rally a bit more motivation for the tasks ahead is to step back and take your foot off the pedal for a while.

Studies show that taking regular breaks from both work responsibilities and personal responsibilities can actually boost your motivation, increase your energy levels and improve your focus in the long run.

At first, you may feel a slight sense of anxiety as you struggle to keep your mind off every task that still needs to be completed, but it’s important to force yourself to detach from work and focus on relaxing in that moment. 

During the week, this could be as easy as stepping away from your work for 15 minutes and refreshing yourself with a cool drink or nutritious snack, or taking a quick walk outside to get some sunlight. Even just giving yourself a few minutes to detach and listen to some music can drastically improve your motivation and your mood. 

When you return to work, you’ll be surprised at how much more focused, motivated, or even creative you feel. 

5. Talk to family and friend about your lockdown slump 

If you’re feeling stuck in a rut, unfocused and uninspired, the chances are that you’re not the only one in your inner circle of close family and friends who is feeling this way. 

Symptoms of fatigue, frustration, energy loss and lack of motivation during this time are common, and sometimes it helps to share those feelings with another person who might be experiencing something similar.

Getting support can be as simple as having a weekly zoom call with a close friend or family member to check in and discuss your highs and lows of the week. 

Remember, it’s important to find a method of communication that feels right for you. This might be a face-to-face conversation over zoom or, or you might find it easier to talk on the phone or write down how you feel in a letter. 

Getting motivated with WellBe 

Here at WellBe we want to give you the right tools to strengthen your mind and your body. That’s why we’ve developed our two new 12 week nutrition and training guides to help you live every day with a clear intention to get closer to achieving your goals and living a more happy, motivated life.

Our easy-to-implement, lifestyle-focussed nutrition, training and health solutions are fun, simple and the perfect way to improve your focus and renew your motivation for the week ahead with a variety of healthy, balanced meal plans and killer workout routines.Want to know more? Check out our Instagram page or contact one of our friendly WellBe team members for more information today.






2 Tbsp ground flaxseed + 6 Tbsp warm water
2 cups whole rolled oats
½ cup slivered almonds
⅔ cup coconut flakes
1/4 cup brown/coconut sugar
1 tsp baking powder & cinnamon
¾ tsp sea salt
¾ cup almond milk
1/4 cup honey or maple syrup
3 Tbsp melted coconut oil or butter (if not vegan)
1 banana, chopped
1 cup strawberries, sliced
½ cup blueberries


Preheat the oven to 180°C and spray an 8×8-inch (or similar) baking dish with cooking spray. In a small bowl, combine flaxseed and warm water and set aside to thicken (about 5 mins). Reserve 2 Tbsp of almonds and coconut flakes and set aside. In a large bowl combine the oats, the remaining almonds, hemp seeds and coconut flakes, and the baking powder, cinnamon, sugar and salt In a medium bowl, combine the almond milk, maple syrup and coconut oil and whisk to combine. Stir in the flaxseed mixture and blend until smooth. Pour the wet ingredients into the bowl of dry ingredients and stir to combine. Layer the bananas and strawberries in the baking dish and spread the oat mixture on top. Sprinkle with the blueberries and the reserved almonds, hemp seeds and coconut flakes. Bake for 40-50 mins or until the top is crisp and the middle is set. I find it easiest to wedge a knife in and make sure the middle has thickened nicely. Remove and let cool for 15 mins before serving.







You don’t need an ice cream maker to make this simple and fresh sorbet! With only 3 natural ingredients, this is the perfect summer sorbet!


2 1/2 cups frozen strawberries
1 tbsp honey or maple syrup
3/4 cup cold water


Add the frozen strawberries and honey / maple syrup to a food processor or blender. Then add about half of the water to start with and blitz until smooth. If needed add a little more water at a time until you get the right consistency. Either serve the sorbet straight away or transfer it to a container and freeze. When left in the freezer for a couple of hours the sorbet will freeze solid so leave it to defrost for about 15-20 min before trying to scoop it!






A quick-cooking whole grain, bulgur wheat is perfect for the time-crunched weeknight cooking. You can substitute quinoa or whole-wheat couscous if you can’t find any bulgar wheat.


1 1/3 cups water
2/3 cup bulgur wheat
500 grams chicken breast cutlets
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp black pepper 4 cups packed rocket
2 cups halved cherry tomatoes
2 cups sliced fresh peaches
3 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
2 Tbsp rice vinegar


Bring 1 1/3 cups water and bulgur wheat to a boil in a small saucepan over high. Reduce heat to medium-low; cover and simmer 10 mins. Drain and rinse under cold water. Drain well; let dry on paper towels. Meanwhile, heat a grill pan coated with cooking spray over high. Sprinkle chicken with 1/2 tsp salt and pepper. Grill chicken, turning occasionally, until done, 6 to 7 mins. Remove to a cutting board. Let stand 3 mins. Slice against the grain into strips. Place bulgur, rocket, tomatoes, and peaches in a large bowl. Add remaining 1/2 tsp salt, oil, and vinegar; toss to coat. Divide mixture among 4 plates; top evenly with chicken.





We all know that incorporating exercise into our lifestyle is beneficial; but this does not change the fact that many of us do not feel motivated to be active. Exercise starts off as a discipline, that eventually turns into a habit. Initially it can be challenging to stick to your routine, but the more you commit, the easier it becomes. In this article we explore the benefits of living an active life and we explore the different kinds of exercise to help you find the type of exercise that will best serve you. 

Benefits of Living an Active Life 

Exercise has both physical and mental benefits. Not only does it build muscle, maintain weight, or encourage weight loss, but it also affects our brain positively

Brain Benefits 

  1. Reduces stress
  2. Improves memory 
  3. Reduces depression (increases serotonin) 
  4. Lowers anxiety 

Physical Benefits 

  1. Lowers risk of chronic diseases (heart disease, diabetes)
  2. Lowers blood cholesterol and blood pressure
  3. Develops stronger bones and muscles 
  4. Assists with weight loss 


Exercise has numerous benefits for our overall health, and one way to maintain your exercise regime is to find a type of exercise that you enjoy. Trying to commit to something you hate is a lot more challenging and increases your chance of giving up. 

Get Fit

Types of Exercise: Finding your Niche 

Exercise should be a lifestyle, not an event. It is therefore important for you to find an activity that you enjoy – this way, exercise becomes something you look forward to, rather than something that you do because of a specific outcome e.g. weight loss. 

There are many types of exercise, and depending on your interests, availability, and access, you may opt for different forms: 


  • HIIT Training

HIIT training stands for High Intensity Interval Training. It alternates between short intense anaerobic exercise with less intense recovery periods. For example, TABATA, which is 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest interval. It is great for individuals who only have 30 minutes to squeeze in a training session. It is a form of cardio training and is effective in burning fat and calories. 

  • Cardiovascular Training 

Cardiovascular training is any type of exercise that leads to a sustained rise in heart rate throughout the exercise duration. For example: swimming, running, and cycling. This type of exercise is generally sustained for a longer period of time than a HIIT workout. 


  • Yoga 

Yoga is a form of neuromotor training – it involves balance, agility, and coordination. It is important to improve posture, decrease risk of injury and reduce stress and inflammation. Yoga is a great way to build muscle and it is less intense on the body than activities such as running and HIIT. 

  • Gym classes 

A lot of individuals benefit from exercising with others. When it is a social event, they are more likely to commit and enjoy themselves. Gyms offer numerous classes such as spinning and Zumba which allow for an interactive exercise routine. 

  • Pilates 

Pilates is a low-impact activity that focuses on flexibility, muscular strength, endurance movements and core strength. It emphasizes proper postural alignment, core strength and muscle balance.

  • Team Sports

Many people enjoy exercise when it is in the form of team sports. Joining a hockey team or soccer club creates a community and your commitment to the sport increases. The enjoyment of the game is the primary focus and the health benefits are secondary. It becomes a social activity and often not seen as a challenge like going for a run alone. 

As you can see, there are numerous ways to reap the rewards of exercise and any form of movement is better than none. Remember, exercise should be a part of your lifestyle, not an event. It is therefore important for you to find an activity that you enjoy – this way, exercise becomes something you look forward to, rather than something that you do because of a specific outcome e.g. weight loss.