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Debt is scary. It’s as simple as that. When you first get your credit card or when you start buying things on credit, it can be easy for it to snowball until you’re in debt that you’re not sure you can get out of. 

Many of us have been there but it’s not all doom and gloom! There is always a way out of debt and it’s important to nip it in the bud before it escalates to a point of no control. Managing money isn’t an easy task and there’s no shame in finding yourself in some debt (it’s probably happened to more people than you know). 

But let’s see how you can get out of your sticky situation as fast as possible. 

7 ways to get out of debt quickly 

1. Figure out how much debt you’re in

As a first step, you’ll want to list all of the debts you owe from smallest to largest. 

This will put into perspective how much you owe and you can figure out a plan on how to pay it all back. 

2. Start planning how you’re going to pay it back

Start with the smallest balance and throw in any available money you have at this amount while you begin making the minimum payments on all your larger loans. Once the smallest balance is paid off, start putting that extra money toward the next smallest debt until you pay that one off, and so on. 

Keep going until all your small debts are covered and you’re making your way through the bigger ones. 

This is just one effective way of settling your debt, you need to figure out what will work for you.  

3. Pay more than the minimum payment on your credit card

Credit cards are simultaneously the best and the worst. As you move your way out of debt, make sure you’re paying more than the minimum requirement. As you pay more each month, you will stop creating big amounts of debt that will keep you starting this process over and over. 

Save save save4. Pick a side hustle

If you find that you’re struggling to find your way out of debt with the income you have, find a side job that can earn you some extra cash that’s solely devoted to paying off your debt. Find a job that’s easy to manage part-time or use a special talent you have to earn some extra money. 

5. Create (and live with) a bare-bones budget

Create a realistic budget and list all of your expenses and your income. This budget needs to have no unnecessary expenses and needs to list only the necessities. 

This will be a difficult budget but it will help you to have all the cash you can to pay off those debts and then you can start buying your morning cappuccino again. 

6. Drop expensive habits

This is similar to tip 5, you’re going to have to go without getting in that spa treatment for a while or it might be time to drop the gym contract and aim for some exercises you can do at home. Another tip is to meal prep more of your meals at home and try to cut back on restaurant meals. Check out some healthy meal ideas here.  

These are always habits you can pick up again but until you’re debt-free, you can do without them (you’ll survive, we promise). 

7. Save save save 

Whenever you find some spare change, save it! Any extra money you have in a month, keep it to pay off your debt or keep it for a rainy day. 

Once your debt is clear, you can use your savings to make up for any shortfall you might encounter in upcoming months to keep you out of falling into debt again!

Growing up means figuring things out and often by doing that, we land ourselves into a little bit of trouble. It’s normal though, we’ve all experienced some sort of debt at some point in time but that important thing is how you manage it. With these little tips and with a solid budget, you’ll be managing your money like a pro in no time!


Everyone is talking about the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, and with so much information circulating around the virus, it’s difficult to differentiate between the facts, sensible precautions, overreaction and misinformation. If you are looking for expert advice, then the WHO (the World Health Organisation) is a reputable source for updates and information.

Declared a pandemic, many are claiming that the media is causing an infodemic. Whilst the majority of cases are mild, governments are aiming to slow down the spread of the disease to prevent healthcare systems being overrun with severe cases. In this blog, we outline what you need to know about the virus. 

What is a coronavirus?

The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), describes the coronavirus as a type of virus that causes symptoms of the upper respiratory system, these include coughing, a sore throat and runny nose –  much like the symptoms associated with the common cold. In some cases, coronaviruses can cause more severe symptoms like issues with breathing, illnesses of the lower respiratory system like pneumonia or bronchitis, and in extreme cases, even death. 

In early January this year, China and the WHO confirmed the identification of a new coronavirus. This new virus stems from several cases of pneumonia identified in Wuhan, a city in the Chinese province of Hubei, on December 31, 2019.

Interesting fact – WHO officially named the illness COVID-19. This name is short for coronavirus disease, with the “19” pertaining to 2019, the year the virus was first identified. The official name of the virus is Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2, also known as SARS-CoV-2.

Don’t panic 

Of course, with widespread media coverage, a state of the nation address in South Africa announcing the closing of schools and many public events being cancelled, it’s natural for the public to start to panic, but before you hit a flat spin and panic buy everything at your local grocery store in preparation for a doomsday situation, take a step back and take a deep breath – There is no need to panic. 

To help prevent the panic and the spread of the disease, we have put together 19 facts and easy-to-follow steps for you to try and help stay safe and sane.

COVID-19: 19 ways to protect yourself and stay healthy

Get your facts straight

Don’t believe everything you read, you need to make sure you only get advice from reputable sources such as WHO or CDC

Here are some fast facts on the virus: 

  1. According to the South African Government website for the coronavirus, as many as 82% of COVID-19 cases are mild, which means that patients only experience a slight fever, fatigue and cough. 
  2. Only about 6% of patients with the virus need intensive care. 
  3. The vast majority of people can stay at home, self-isolate and get better without any need for hospital treatment. 
  4. Those most at risk of infection include: 
    • Travellers to areas where there is ongoing sustained transmission of COVID-19 including Mainland China (all provinces), Hong Kong, Japan, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Vietnam, Taiwan, Italy and the Islamic Republic of Iran. 
    • Elderly, individuals with co-morbidities and healthcare workers

Know how the virus spreads

  1. Experts are working on a vaccine to prevent the spread of the virus, however, there is currently no vaccine.
  2. The virus is spread through respiratory droplets from an infected person when they cough or sneeze.
    • These droplets can land on the noses or mouths or people nearby or are possibly inhaled through the lungs 
    • Droplets can also land on surfaces which can infect another person who touches the same surface and then touches their mouth, eyes or nose

A fascinating fact from WHO

“Studies suggest that coronaviruses (including preliminary information on the COVID-19 virus) may persist on surfaces for a few hours or up to several days. This may vary under different conditions (e.g. type of surface, temperature or humidity of the environment).”

Know the signs & symptoms

  1. Know what the symptoms of the virus are (Symptoms may appear 2 to 14 days after exposure)
    • Fever
    • Cough
    • Shortness of breath
    • Sore throat 
  2. Emergency symptoms include (according to CDC): 
    • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
    • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
    • New confusion or inability to arouse
    • Bluish lips or face

Practice personal hygiene techniques

What is a coronavirus

Here’s how to protect yourself from the virus: 

  1. Regularly wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (especially after being in a public place, coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose).
    • If you do not have access to soap and water, then use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Use this sanitizer to cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until dry. 
  2. Cough or sneeze into a tissue or flexed elbow (then immediately dispose of the tissue)
  3. Avoid touching your face (especially with unwashed hands). 
  4. Avoid close contact with people who are sick or have recently gotten back from a high-risk area from mid-February 2020
  5. Practise social distancing – do not shake hands or hug other people 
  6. Do not share food and utensils
  7. Regularly clean and disinfect surfaces (your phone is especially dirty)

Boost your immune system

Of course, you can wash your hands and practise all the safe practises in an attempt to try and avoid the virus, but your immune system, which is your body’s own natural system of defence against invading pathogens, is an incredibly effective way to prevent infection. And here’s how: 

  1. Regular exercise – you might be avoiding the gym, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get a workout in. Check out this at-home full-body workout
  2. Take daily supplements and vitamins – Vitamin C, B6 and E will help boost immunity and fight off infection. 
  3. Eat well – a strong body comes from healthy and nutritious food. We have a ton of recipes available on our website, check them out here (Oh, and did we mention there’s dessert too?)

Know what to do if you are sick

Important to know: Call your doctor if you think you have been exposed to coronavirus and are developing fever and symptoms. Experts advise that you call ahead before visiting your doctor to prevent the spread of the infection. 

If you have recently travelled from a high-risk area, then you should self-isolate for 14 days. 

Take a look at this guide on how to self-quarantine.

  1. If you have mild symptoms, you should also self-isolate: 
    • Do not go to work, public areas or school 
    • Avoid public transport
    • Stay in a separate room and use a different bathroom if you live in a home with other people 

Stay informed, stay healthy and don’t panic! 



What is self-image?

Self-image is more than what you see when you look in the mirror. It is defined as “the idea, the conception, or mental image one has of oneself.”

Your self-image is how you view your entire being, from your thoughts, feelings, actions and capabilities. 

Is self-image the same as self-esteem?

Not entirely. The two concepts of the ‘self’ are somewhat different. 

Self-esteem tends to go a little deeper than self-image. Self-esteem is your overall sense of respect for yourself. 

Your self-image plays a role in your self-esteem – after all, how you see yourself significantly impacts how you feel about yourself. 

Interesting fact

Your self-image is based on your own unique perceptions of reality that is built over a lifetime, these perceptions will continue to change as you learn and go through life. 

The dimensions of self-image

Suzaan Oltmann, an independent distributor at one of South Africa’s FET Colleges, defines the dimensions of self-image as follows: 

The three elements of a person’s self-image are:

  1. The way a person perceives or thinks of him/herself.
  2. The way a person interprets others’ perceptions (or what he thinks others think) of him/herself.
  3. The way a person would like to be (his ideal self).

The six dimensions of a person’s self-image are:

  1. Physical dimension: how a person evaluates his or her appearance
  2. Psychological dimension: how a person evaluates his or her personality
  3. Intellectual dimension: how a person evaluates his or her intelligence
  4. Skills dimension: how a person evaluates his or her social and technical skills
  5. Moral dimension: how a person evaluates his or her values and principles
  6. Sexual dimension: how a person feels he or she fits into society’s masculine/feminine norms 

(Oltmann, 2014)

Why self-image is important

Your self-image can play a significant role in your success and motivation throughout your life. Having a low self-image can lead to failure and missed opportunities as you doubt your capabilities. 

A healthy self-image can help you to achieve great things as you navigate through life with an assertive and positive attitude, believing in yourself to accomplish your goals. 

Self-talk and self-image

Our self-image stems from our thoughts which influence the way in which we view ourselves. Self-talk is the conversation you have with yourself. 

Our thoughts, or the way that we talk to ourselves, are typically a combination of negative and positive thoughts. 

We all have an inner critic. This inner voice can often drive us to reach our goals (for example, when we remind ourselves not to eat something unhealthy). However, this inner voice can sometimes do more harm than good. 

The impact of negative self-talk on your brain and body

The neurophysiology of negative self-talk 


Negative thoughts indicate to our brains and bodies that we are going through a period of stress. 

This results in the increased release of catecholamines (neurotransmitters released during stress) such as norepinephrine, epinephrine and dopamine. 

Prolonged exposure to these hormones can create negative psychological and physical outcomes and create a negative feedback loop. 

When your inner voice is always negative, this can prolong the stress hormone exposure which can physically rewire your brain and in turn, your mental and physical wellbeing, this is known as neuroplasticity (the ability of the brain to change throughout your life).

The negative feedback loop 

Prolonged exposure to catecholamines can create negative psychological and physical outcomes. The prolonged-release of these neurotransmitters can affect your mood and create a negative feedback loop between your physiology and emotions. 

These changes may result in chronic inflammation of your organs and the way the body and mind operates – leading to changes in behaviour, sleep issues, metabolic (weight gain) and cardiovascular disturbances.

How negative thoughts impact your health

Negative thoughts can lead to chronic stress, upsetting your body’s natural hormonal balance. 

Chronic stress can deplete the brain of the chemicals it needs to feel happy, as well as damage your immune system.

It can also lead to decreased lifespan, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, infection and digestive disorders. 

Interesting factScience has now identified that stress shortens our telomeres, the “end caps” of our DNA strands, which causes us to age more quickly

The impact of positive self-talk on the brain and body

The neurophysiology effects of positive self-talk 

As we know, our minds are malleable. Meaning our self-talk and self-image has the potential to mould and sculpt our consciousness and our physical wellbeing. 

Source: “Because of all the research and clinical testing being done and studied regarding the “mind-body” connection, the power of positive thinking is gaining documented scientific credibility and being used and harnessed to improve health on all levels.

What flows through your mind (thoughts and neurotransmitters) sculpts your brain in permanent ways.

Source “What we think and what we feel has the potential to directly affect our bodies.”

Studies have shown that thoughts alone can improve vision, fitness, and strength.

Some other positive effects of positive thinking include: 

  • Faster recovery from cardiovascular stress
  • Better sleep 
  • Stronger immune system (fewer colds)
  • Greater sense of purpose and overall happiness
  • Greater sense of connection to others

How to break the negative feedback loop & improve your self-image

As humans, we are hard-wired to focus on the negative in an attempt to survive, helping us to stay vigilant in a somewhat stressful environment. This leads to something known as a ‘negativity bias’. 

“Our “negativity bias” means that we spend too much time ruminating over the minor frustrations we experience—bad traffic or a disagreement with a loved one— and ignore the many chances we have to experience wonder, awe, and gratitude throughout the day.”

Some tips to offset the negative feedback loop and negativity bias

  1. Be present – Pay attention to your sense perceptions as a mindfulness technique (what is your hand doing right now, why is your foot tapping?)
  2. Stop your thoughts from running away – Become aware of your thoughts without turning them into a runaway train – “What am I thinking? What is the conversation in my head?” Repeat this a few times.
  3. Challenge negative thoughts – This will reduce their emotional intensity and feelings of stress and panic. So ask yourself “Is that thought really true, right now in this moment? What is the likelihood of that really happening?”
  4. Control the next thought – You can’t control a negative thought from popping up, but you can replace it with 3 positive ones. 

Practical examples of positive self-image activities


A positive self-image takes hard work and commitment. It’s an ongoing journey to improve your mental and physical wellbeing. You need to stick to it and keep going through the bad days and the good ones. 

Helpful hint – Many people will stop effective practices such as yoga, meditation or deep breathing when they feel their self-image and thinking have improved. The trick is to always keep going because you never know when something might happen to trigger negative emotions and send you back into the negative feedback loop. 

1. Journalling

Journal your thoughts, your experiences and whether you feel like you dealt with them in a positive way. Take notes and notice trends in the ways that you talk to yourself. 

2. Identifying triggers of negative thinking and stress

Recognise what people, places and things lead to negative emotions and thinking. 

You cannot change certain situations, but you can change how you react to them and prepare yourself to handle them better. 

Come up with strategies as to how you will better deal with your triggers.

3. Meditation

Your self-image can become a habit when you practice loving yourself on a daily basis. 

4. Deep breathing

This can be an incredibly simple yet effective technique to change your thought patterns. When you notice a negative thought, you feel stressed or anxious, simply take 5 to 10 deep breaths. Breathe in for 4 counts and out for 5. Repeat this. 

5. Self-appreciation breaks

Take a deep breath, slow down and ask yourself this important question: what are 3 things I can appreciate about myself?

These can even be little things like personality traits or strengths. You can do this every morning or every evening. 

6. Yoga

Yoga makes use of deep breathing and calming and fluid movements that can help lower your stress.

7. Mindfulness

Practise being mindful of your thoughts, your space, your senses and the present moment. 

Source: “Mindfulness also involves acceptance, meaning that we pay attention to our thoughts and feelings without judging them—without believing, for instance, that there’s a “right” or “wrong” way to think or feel in a given moment.”

8. Mantras

Mantras are commonly used in meditation and can have some powerful effects on your self-image. By saying a positive self-esteem mantra throughout your day, this will aid in rewiring your negative feedback loop. 

Here are some examples: 

  • I embrace my happy feelings and enjoy being content as I love and appreciate myself.
  • I deserve to be happy and feel good every day about all areas in my life.
  • I feel secure in who I am, and do not need to compare myself to others.

You can permanently rewire your subconscious mind to accept these affirmations.

Oat Balls

Oat and Date Balls

Oat and date balls are a quick, on the go snack. Make them ahead of time and keep them around to pop in your mouth when you’re a little peckish!


  • 1 cup dates
  • 2 cups rolled oats
  • 3/4 cup desiccated coconut
  • 1 tbsp cacao powder
  • 1 tbsp natural peanut butter


  1. Place dates in a pot of water and bring to the boil.
  2. Drain the dates and put the liquid into a container and set aside for later.
  3. Place drained dates, coconut, peanut butter, oats and cacao powder in a food processor or a blender.
  4. Place the mixture into a bowl.
  5. Slowly add roughly 1/4 of the date liquid to the mix (you may need a little more liquid than this, add it slowly until the mix holds its shape. If you accidentally add too much liquid add a little more of the other dry ingredients to balance).
  6. Mix the wet and dry ingredients together.
  7. Roll mixture into 12 balls and store in the fridge or freezer.
  8. Roll in extra coconut if desired.
  9. Make extra and freeze them for a last-minute snack
  10. This recipe makes 12 balls.

Download this yummy recipe here

Chicken Bowl


You’ve heard of chicken soup for the soul, well you have to try our chicken bowl for the soul! A hearty and nutritious meal, perfect for lunch or dinner!


Serves 4

  • 2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
  • 3 bell peppers, any colour, sliced
  • 1 large red onion, sliced
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon chicken seasoning
  • salt, to taste
  • pepper, to taste
  • 1 jar tomato pasta sauce
  • 3 cups brown rice (680 g), cooked
  • 1 can black beans, drained and rinsed (optional)
  • 1 can corn
  • 1 cup grated cheddar cheese (100 g)


  1. Preheat oven to 200˚C.
  2. Line a baking tray with foil.
  3. Place the chicken, peppers, and onions onto the baking tray and drizzle with oil.
  4. Sprinkle the chicken seasoning evenly over both sides of the chicken breasts.
  5. Sprinkle salt and pepper on the bell peppers and onions, tossing to coat.
  6. Top each chicken breast with a generous pour of tomato pasta sauce.
  7. Bake in a preheated oven for 25 minutes.
  8. Rest chicken for 10 minutes, before slicing into strips.
  9. Add a base of brown rice to 4 bowls or sealed containers. Top each with a scoop of black beans, corn, additional tomato pasta sauce, cheddar cheese, cooked bell peppers, and onions, and sliced chicken. 
  10. Enjoy immediately or store in the refrigerator. Can be kept refrigerated for up to 4 days.

Download this delicious recipe here




When it’s time to start managing your own money (and no, the pocket money your mom gave you is still not your own money, not really), it can be difficult knowing where to start. 

I remember trying to manage my money for the first time and it just felt like there was always ‘too much month left after my money’. But once I found out how to actually budget, it became easier and I was actually surprised that I could start saving money at the end of each month.  

Let’s take a look at how you can start budgeting like an adult. 

Top tips to managing your money like a grown-up


1. List all forms of income

Take an average of how much you bring in each month (or the actual number if it is consistent). Always use the net amount (after-tax) of your income instead of the gross amount (before tax). You need to know exactly how much you have to work with each month.

If your income changes every month, this will be a little more difficult. Use an average amount and keep reviewing and tweaking it each month.

2. List all your fixed and variable expenses 

The fixed expenses are the ones that don’t change as each month goes past so this will be your rent, your utilities, your car payment(s), insurance and retirement savings (you should definitely have some form of retirement savings in place), cell phone plan or your WiFi for example. You can also add petrol to this list of expenses (even though it changes) because you know more or less how much you spend on it each month.

Then you have your variable expenses which change month to month, these include entertainment (going to the movies), eating out, clothes shopping, gym memberships, coffee on your way to work. You can list these expenses and the average amounts you think you might spend on them for that particular month.

3. Do the math

Now it’s time to figure out what you’ve got left. Take your income (after tax) and deduct all of your expenses – is there anything left over? How much is left? Is it sufficient?  

If the answer is yes, YAY! You now have enough to make it rain… in your savings account.

If your income is not enough to cover your expenses, head back to number 2 and dig deeper into your variable expenses. See what expenses are necessary and which expenses can be taken out. 

4. Make saving easy

It was a big shock when I first listed all my expenses. I could see why I was broke before I’d even gotten through my first month on my own. I decided to change my variable expenses and take a few things out. I didn’t cut all the fun out of my life, I just started acting like a sensible adult for a change.

This left me with enough money to save each month. Savings might not sound like a big deal but they always come in handy if you’re ever in a bad month or if you have a trip you’ve always wanted to take. 

5. Keep track 

Don’t just create a budget and then forget about it. It’s not something that can just be put together and never considered again. Your income and expenses change, so budgets need to be looked at monthly.

It’s easy to keep track of everything using an Exel spreadsheet or online management tools which do most of the work for you ( is a great project management and money management tool!). It’s all about whatever works best for you and what you’re likely to keep referring to. 

6. Lessons Learned 

Making adult decisions brings responsibilities, especially when it comes to managing money. Not taking these adult responsibilities seriously can mean ending up with a ton of debt and no food on the table (and no Netflix subscription). Each month, you need to take a look at what went wrong and constantly adapt until you’re living comfortably consistently. 

Budgeting doesn’t sound fun but once you’ve mastered the art of managing your money, you’ll be so excited about your new budget. Be sure to keep referring to your budget at the end of each month and make sure you’re realistic about your expenses so you don’t keep running out of money each month!



Self-love… We’ve all heard about it and we know we should be more mindful to actively engage in self-love but, and I know I am not alone in saying this, but self-love can certainly prove to be difficult. 

Instagram is a haven for self-love hashtags and guides by influencers who are sometimes trying to help but for the most part, are just trying to sell their next batch of detox tea. 

So where do you start? What even is self-love? This simple term sounds so easy but it can be one of the most difficult things to master. 

Instead of jumping straight into some ideas on how to practice self-love, let’s start right at the beginning. 

What is self-love?

Self-love is exactly what it sounds like, it’s all about loving yourself. But we don’t mean in the sense of indulging in that fourth brownie because “self-love and I deserve it”. I mean, you may deserve it but we’re getting off-topic.  

Self-love is neither a synonym for self-obsession and vanity or the idea of being overly generous and self-sacrificing. Self-love is putting your happiness and needs above anything else and focusing on living a life that is authentically yours. 

Self-love is truly about: 

  • Embarking on a journey that is a little messy, unpredictable but authentic 
  • Embracing uncertainty 
  • Understanding your voice, the honesty of your stories and the magnificence of your being
  • Removing the things that hinder your speech or the hesitance in your voice when communicating your absolute truth
  • No longer confiding to the self-imposed beliefs and ideas that you have created about who you should be

Once you relieve yourself of the picture-perfect you and begin embracing who you are and start living a life you’re in love and obsessed with, that’s when you step into your innate power and truly find self-love. 


Why is self-love so important?

Self-love can seem blown up or something isn’t of great importance but it truly is. Self-love motivates you to make healthy choices in life and live a life that you both love and are proud of. 

When you hold yourself in high esteem, you’re more likely to choose things that nurture your well-being and feed your soul. These things may be in the form of eating healthy, exercising, doing things you love or having healthy relationships. Whatever it is, self-love is about finding your happiness in everything you do and surrounding yourself with people who support that. 

Most of the time, when we’re being too hard on ourselves, we do it because we’re driven by a desire to excel and do everything right, all the time. This entails a lot of self-criticisms, and that nasty inner voice that constantly tells us how we could’ve done things better is a hallmark of perfectionism. 

It’s time to let go of the idea of perfectionism and embrace who you are all that you’ve achieved because you really are doing amazing!

How to practice self-love

There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to loving yourself. You need to find what works for you but it can be daunting in the beginning. 

These are just a few tips to help you get started:

  1. Start each day by telling yourself something really positive. How well you handled a situation, how lovely you look today. Anything that will make you smile.
  2. Fill your body with food and drink that nourishes it and makes it thrive. For some ideas, check out this article
  3. Move your body every single day and learn to love the skin you’re in. You can’t hate your way into loving yourself. Take a look at this article for some guidance. Here’s a hint, if you wouldn’t say it to a friend or loved one, don’t say it to yourself. 
  4. Stop comparing yourself. This is such a tricky one but so important! Comparison is the killer of self-love. Unfollow and remove people who make you feel less than but also remember we’re on our own journies and everyone is different. 
  5. Celebrate your wins no matter how big or small. Pat yourself on the back and be proud of what you have achieved.
  6. Take some time to relax and re-energise, we can’t love ourselves if we can barely keep up with what we’re doing. This article may be able to help with relaxation!
  7. Practice self-care
  8. Step outside of your comfort zone and actively start living life! 

These are just a few tips on how to get started but it’s truly up to you to let go of societies version of you and to embrace who you authentically are and fall in love with that version of yourself. Take care of yourself, you deserve it!

Latest and greatest health trends


Have you heard about nutrient timing? Either from a fitness guru on Instagram or one of your friends who is always the first to try any of the latest and greatest health trends. The term sounds so legitimate and the way this term has been thrown around in the “fitness industry”, you probably feel like you need to know more about it.

So, let’s dive in shall we? What is nutrient timing? Is it necessary to eat at a certain time? And will it have an actual effect on your body?

Let’s take a look at the facts and fibs that surround this topic!

What is nutrient timing? 

Simply put, nutrient timing involves eating foods at strategic times in order to achieve certain outcomes. It’s supposedly very important for muscle growth, sports performance and fat loss. If you’ve ever run for a scoop of peanut butter before a workout or panicked if you forgot to have your protein shake right after a workout – that is nutrient timing. 

It surrounds the idea that your body will develop better or secure better results if you eat at certain times of the day and when it is more optimal. This way of eating has been used by bodybuilders and fitness competitors for up to 50 years now and many studies have been conducted on it. 

One of the world’s leading researchers in carbohydrate timing, Dr John Ivy, has published many studies showing its potential benefits. In 2004, he published a book called Nutrient Timing: The Future of Sports Nutrition. This is just one of the many researchers who believe nutrient timing is key!

But like with anything, there are some doubts about the studies, for example: 

  1. Short-term blood markers: Many of the studies only measure short-term blood markers, which often fail to measure up with long-term benefits. Have a look at this article on the matter.
  2. Ultra-endurance athletes: Many of the studies follow extreme endurance athletes, which do not necessarily represent the average everyday person. 

For these reasons, the findings in much of the research that supports nutrient timing may not apply to everyone.

Latest and greatest health trends

When should you be eating your meals?

We don’t mean just eating morning, noon and night.

Nutrient timing extends further than just eating before or after a workout. You probably have that one work colleague who is always going on about a new “health” trend. We guarantee that some point you’ve heard, “you shouldn’t eat carbs after 6 pm” or “you should eat more in the morning and less in the evening”.

Many people think that the reason you gain more weight if you eat late at night is that you have less opportunity to burn off those calories, but this is a very basic view. It’s often assumed that our bodies shut down when we sleep, but that’s not true. Our bodies work throughout the night while our minds rest.

BUT evidence suggests that more energy is used to process a meal when it’s eaten in the morning, compared to later in the day, so you do burn slightly more calories if you eat earlier. However, it’s still unclear how much of a difference this would make to your overall body weight. 

This means that it may be a better idea to consume higher quantities of food earlier in the day and focus on consuming nutrient-dense foods later in the evening. For some healthy recipe ideas, take a look at this article

So, what do we make of this?

Here’s the bottom-line, research isn’t always perfect or conclusive. There may be some accurate points of measure in these studies but there may be a few fibs along the way too.

We’ve come to understand that nutrient timing isn’t particularly important for most people trying to look and feel better. It may be more beneficial to those whose careers are centred around working out but so many really smart and hard-working people are getting lost in the finer points of nutrient timing.

Focusing on timing your meals while consistently missing out on sleep, or vegetables or other (slightly more important) health and lifestyle factors is more of detriment to your body. The other factors will yield you far more results in a healthy lifestyle in the long run than merely focusing on the timing of your meals. 

A healthy lifestyle is a holistic approach with many factors to consider, if this is something you’re concerned about or if you need more information, we’d be happy to help!

Employee wellness program


The new decade is well underway and can I just say, I for one am incredibly excited for this year and the opportunities to come! 

Of course, with the start of the new year, we often tend to hit the ground running. We all know the rush of a new year. Trying to find our feet and get back into a routine but most importantly getting adjusted and back into the swing of things at work can be difficult. As each day passes, work can become a little more unpleasant for all employees… but it doesn’t have to be! 

There are programs you can put in place to improve employee health and wellness, and as a whole, this aims to help reduce sick absenteeism, improve employee productivity and enhance the overall work environment. You’re probably wondering how we’re going to do that? 

Have you ever heard of an employee wellness program? Massive brands like Google and Virgin have implemented these sorts of programs into their companies and have seen the benefits in happier, more productive employees who actually want to come to work. 

What is an employee wellness program?

There’s no one definition that defines an employee wellness program and there’s no right or wrong way of doing it. It all depends on the needs of your employees. 

An employee wellness program is just what the name suggests. It is a plan put in place to increase the overall health and happiness of your employees. It’s a little way of showing that you as an employer care about your people. No matter the size of your company, you can start your own employee wellness program in just 5 easy steps. 

Some programs focus on health education, other programs host health days where screenings are conducted and employees are able to learn more about their own health. A  wellness program can be as simple as morning meditations and rewards for healthy and active lifestyles among your employees. There are many ways of implementing a wellness program. 

Don’t worry if you feel a little confused or slightly overwhelmed – we can help you!    

What are the benefits of employee wellness programs?

Healthy and happy employees bring an array of benefits to the workplace! Some of these include:

  • More productive employees

There are numerous studies that suggest a healthy lifestyle correlates with increased productivity. Don’t believe us? Next time you hit a rut, get your heart rate up (deep breathing and a few jumping jacks can do the trick!) or change your snacks to some nutritious ones and you’ll likely get back into the zone.

For more information on office productivity, read this article!

  • Less office stress

Too many people and companies accept workplace stress as the norm. But it leads to burnout, which can result in higher employee turnover. This is why a wellness program is important. It will give your employees a new perspective of the workplace.

  • Fewer colds, flu and other illnesses

Everyone knows healthy practices prevent illness. And your business will have a higher rate of success when fewer sick days are taken.

  • Fewer office-related injuries

Taking a break to exercise or just stretch prevents common office injuries.

  • Happier employees

Offering a wellness program leads to happier employees. They’ll appreciate the benefit and be generally positive because they’re leading a healthy life and they will be happier knowing that the place they work at cares about them. 


Effective employee wellness programs

Where to start

It can be difficult navigating your way through an employee wellness program to figure out the best approach and what’s suited to your employees (but that’s what we’re here for). 

These 5 steps are the perfect way to get started! Let’s take a look…

1. Identify current issues 

A little research goes a long way! You will struggle to improve employee health and wellness without figuring out what some of the main issues are first.

Look at time and attendance, days of sick leave taken, employee satisfaction and stress levels, as well as extended health insurance costs. Talk to both management and employees to get an understanding of where the biggest issues are.

We, at WellBe, see this as a pivotal step in starting an employee wellness program because it puts you in the right direction of what’s important and what’s needed. 

2. Get input from everyone

Once you’ve found out some of the areas that need some work, chat with your employees to figure out what they’d like and what they’d what to get out of the wellness program. 

It’s pointless implementing a program that no one is interested in. 

3. Make a plan that fits

Now that you’ve collected your data, you can start putting a plan together. Remember to make sure the plan is aligned with your company culture so that more employees are excited to get on board! If you need a little assistance, get in touch with our team and we can help develop a personalised plan for your company and the needs of your employees. 

4. Encourage employee and management buy-in

Communicate the plan throughout the office and get management involved. This way more employees will be excited to take part. 

5. Track, measure and readjust

As with any workplace policy, measuring success, soliciting feedback, and adjusting accordingly will be key to the long-term success of an employee wellness program. This can be done by taking surveys or asking a variety of employees for their feedback. 

It’s also a good idea to celebrate achievements; anything from recognising individual employee goals for better health to crowning winners of office challenges can go a long way towards building support around the program.

Employee wellness programs are growing in popularity by the day and for good reason. These programs are important to the happiness of your employees and the overall success of your business. These programs are a great way of showing your employees that you value them! 

Some examples of effective employee wellness programs

I mentioned how your employee wellness initiative doesn’t have to be fancy and complicated. Not in the least. In fact, here are some simple solutions to improving employee wellness: 

  • Healthy snacks in the breakroom 
  • Healthy meals in the canteen 
  • Walking meetings 
  • Discounts off gym memberships for employees
  • Sunrise yoga on certain mornings 
  • Challenge boards where employees can write down their health goals (run a 5km race, lose weight, stop smoking etc.) and rewards are given to those who achieve their goals. 
  • On-site massage therapists 
  • On-site psychologist or life coach 

You can find more detail on these examples here

The final word

We know you’re probably very busy though and the logistics of a wellness program might sound a little time-consuming but that’s why we’re here! Find out more about the employee wellness programs we do and let us know if we can help you! 



Intermittent fasting is not about starving yourself or eating as little as possible, there is far more to it than that. This new lifestyle has quickly become increasingly popular as celebs, competitors and ordinary people embark on this new way of eating. The only struggle is perfecting this way of eating to ensure you feel your best while reaping all of the benefits. 

A little bit about intermittent fasting…

Our article on intermittent fasting has the whole story on exactly how it all works but in short, intermittent fasting is famous for promoting good health and weight loss. It involves timing your meals and eating at certain times of the day. Just like the name suggests, you’ll fast for some part of the day and eat at a specific time. It is one of the few diet (for lack of a better word) plans that actually allows you to eat what you like (well, to a certain extent). 

By lowering appetite and aiding burning of more calories, intermittent fasting can actually help you with weight loss, some research has found. A number of people have also reported having more energy. 

The timing of meals can affect your 24-hour energy metabolism. Coordinating your meals with circadian rhythms can work as a powerful strategy for reducing appetite and improving metabolic health. 

Now you know what it is, how do you make it work?

Tips to make intermittent fasting work for you

1. Plan plan plan

As the saying goes, “failing to plan is planning to fail”. Ideas come and go but until we plan exactly how we’re going to implement these ideas into action, it’s not going to happen.

Take a look at the various types of intermittent fasting and choose a time period that suits you best. From there you should plan when you’re going to eat and exactly what you’ll be eating too. By having a detailed plan and by meal prepping some meals, you will be more inclined to follow the plan and remain consistent.  

2. Stay hydrated 

Drink lots of water and calorie-free drinks, such as herbal teas, throughout the day. This will curb any feelings of hunger and will keep you from snacking or breaking your fast. 

3. Don’t obsess about your food

Plan plenty of distractions on fasting days to avoid thinking about food, such as catching up on some work, working out or going to see a movie. This will ensure you don’t sit around thinking about food and how you ‘can’t’ have it. This is something that requires some getting used to because we are programmed to want to eat any time we experience a bit of hunger. 

You need to be able to fight past the feelings of hunger!

4. Try not to overindulge – strive to eat clean

‘Strive to eat clean’ – we don’t mean that your first meal should be a salad and a glass of water (then what’s the point in fasting?). What we mean is you should try to make every calorie count by selecting nutrient-dense foods that are rich in protein, fibre, and healthy fats. Examples include beans, lentils, eggs, fish, nuts, and avocado. By doing this, you will feel full and satisfied for longer. You can see some examples of these meals here


5. Be consistent

It takes a while to establish a new routine and get used to doing something different. Every new diet or lifestyle will take time to reflect changes on your body. You have to follow it religiously and consistently for at least a few weeks for it to work and for you to become accustomed to eating that way.  

6. Exercise regularly

Exercise is a great way to increase endorphins and make you feel great. Now we don’t mean spending countless hours at the gym torturing yourself on the treadmill. 

Intermittent fasting comes with the added benefit of making you feel healthier (as it involves syncing your mealtimes with your body’s circadian rhythm). Combining it with exercising is going to be all the more beneficial in terms of making you feel healthy and burning calories. Regular exercise can include going for walks, hiking, working out with a friend (etc), you can make it something you’re excited about rather than something you hate. 

Intermittent fasting is just like any other new thing you try, you need to remain consistent with it and fight through some of the uncomfortable feelings you may experience. When your body is used to a certain lifestyle, it takes a while for it to adjust and feel good again. But remember, every diet is different and the outcome is unique to each individual so be sure to do what’s best for you!